Blue Concrete Vision
What happens when you've been out questing on the blue concrete for too long? Your vision begins to blur, you think you see There_Monitor wink at you, you spy Vash running around chicken griefing somebody at every street corner, and you feel like you're Netrider running There on half-operational dialup! Sorry, Net.
IM me in-world for your very own pair of Blue Concrete Vision glasses! Wear them while looking at this screenshot to see the blue concrete jump out at you in 3D! Wow!

If you continue questing on the blue concrete its vastness will shortly overcome you and you will succumb to a condition known as Blue Concrete Blindness! This is a serious condition and may result in a permanent alteration of your vision! If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms please cease your activities immediately and have a friend summon you back to soft squishy land!

IM me in-world for your very own pair of Blue Concrete Vision glasses! Wear them while looking at this screenshot to see the blue concrete jump out at you in 3D! Wow!

If you continue questing on the blue concrete its vastness will shortly overcome you and you will succumb to a condition known as Blue Concrete Blindness! This is a serious condition and may result in a permanent alteration of your vision! If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms please cease your activities immediately and have a friend summon you back to soft squishy land!

Jon Quixote was There!
and you feel like you're Netrider running There on half-operational dialup! Sorry, Net.
ROFL, very nice. The only thing missing is that effect where your avie repeats endlessly where the skydome ends.
No, no I don't see that listed as a symptom of Blue Concrete Vision, Net. Oh, wait! Here it is. It's listed under a different ailment though: "Ayekenna-C-Notinwitmy 28.8 Kilobaites Modaem".
Oh my, that one looks pretty serious. It says here other symptoms include random, often painful excretions from the Larynx that could last hours at a time late at night and may even take the form of textual discharges via nerve endings in the fingertips!!
Net! You better get to the doctor immediately! It says here you have very little time left once symptoms progress beyond that point!! The inevitable conclusion, it says, involves white coats and padded walls! Oh NO!!
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