Avie Sacrifices Got Griefed
Update Updating the Update of the Updated Update:
I bet the word "update" is starting to look a bit awkward now, huh? As you can read in the comments of this post, Aussie has explained that if Ubber sees it necessary in the future, he will gladly re-adjust his paz again as to not interfere with the popular sacrificial events commonly held at Avie Sacrifices. Aussie has created his own jumping platform lower down the mountain to use for his own events and apologies have been sent all around for the countless insults that have been traded in this ordeal. And all is well in the world of Theria once more!
Update Updating the Update of the Update:
Elaur pointed out that my post may have been slightly biased when I wrote: "Helper_Jason decided Avie Sacrifices wasn't worth preserving." I guess I should point out that since writing the post I have learned from Ubber that Jason seemed to really want to remove Aussie's paz but was powerless to take action based on the rules laid out in the TOS about zone boundaries and whatnot.
Update Again:
Ubber is satisfied and the situation, for the moment, seems to be resolved. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Aussie is already busy readjusting his paz closer to its original position.
Big thanks to SailorGuy for his efforts in convincing Aussie to slide his paz off to the left far enough as to not interfere with the jumpers. Nice work! We're just waiting to see if Ubber is satisfied with the move.
The original post is as follows:
So, some poor sap decided to go up against the entire There community today. Good luck with that, AussieBeef.
The sad part of it all is that There has ruled in his favor. At least for the time being. Ubber had a chance to make his case, and despite the obviousness of Aussie's intentions to grief people, Helper_Jason decided Avie Sacrifices wasn't worth preserving. Click the screenshot below to enlarge:
AussieBeef: "ok what if i move it further down the hill and only capture a very small ammount of avis ?"
The mere fact that he refuses to slide the paz to the left or right to get it out of the way of jumpers should be evidence enough of his intentions! There staff has heard enough of it, however, and has been busy deleting forum threads regarding the situation even though Ubber was very careful not to mention any names or point any fingers. Thank goodness the same rules don't apply to my blog!
The current thread, which has yet to be deleted, resides here.
And luckily for all of you, I happen to have screenshots of the original two threads! Thanks, Ubber!
Ubber's first deleted thread. Click to enlarge:
Ubber's second deleted thread. Click to enlarge:
I bet the word "update" is starting to look a bit awkward now, huh? As you can read in the comments of this post, Aussie has explained that if Ubber sees it necessary in the future, he will gladly re-adjust his paz again as to not interfere with the popular sacrificial events commonly held at Avie Sacrifices. Aussie has created his own jumping platform lower down the mountain to use for his own events and apologies have been sent all around for the countless insults that have been traded in this ordeal. And all is well in the world of Theria once more!
Update Updating the Update of the Update:
Elaur pointed out that my post may have been slightly biased when I wrote: "Helper_Jason decided Avie Sacrifices wasn't worth preserving." I guess I should point out that since writing the post I have learned from Ubber that Jason seemed to really want to remove Aussie's paz but was powerless to take action based on the rules laid out in the TOS about zone boundaries and whatnot.
Update Again:
Ubber is satisfied and the situation, for the moment, seems to be resolved. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Aussie is already busy readjusting his paz closer to its original position.
Big thanks to SailorGuy for his efforts in convincing Aussie to slide his paz off to the left far enough as to not interfere with the jumpers. Nice work! We're just waiting to see if Ubber is satisfied with the move.
The original post is as follows:
So, some poor sap decided to go up against the entire There community today. Good luck with that, AussieBeef.
The sad part of it all is that There has ruled in his favor. At least for the time being. Ubber had a chance to make his case, and despite the obviousness of Aussie's intentions to grief people, Helper_Jason decided Avie Sacrifices wasn't worth preserving. Click the screenshot below to enlarge:

AussieBeef: "ok what if i move it further down the hill and only capture a very small ammount of avis ?"
The mere fact that he refuses to slide the paz to the left or right to get it out of the way of jumpers should be evidence enough of his intentions! There staff has heard enough of it, however, and has been busy deleting forum threads regarding the situation even though Ubber was very careful not to mention any names or point any fingers. Thank goodness the same rules don't apply to my blog!
The current thread, which has yet to be deleted, resides here.
And luckily for all of you, I happen to have screenshots of the original two threads! Thanks, Ubber!
Ubber's first deleted thread. Click to enlarge:

Ubber's second deleted thread. Click to enlarge:

Jon Quixote was There!
Wow that's not right. It's a throw up between a community hotspot or some random guy's pass that delibertly you block everyone else's fun. *smells some grade F beef*
damn I should have previewed that. Now it makes no sense.....atleast you don't know who this is :D
Wohoo! I get to delete a spam comment from... guess who? Yeah!
What, you think I'm going to let you get away with insulting us on my personal blog? You can't hide behind There's loopholes in here, buddy.
'hm Lets see.. of the three and a half people who read my blog, who could possibly have written those anonymous comments above.
Make that 4 readers. Thanks for keeping the issue alive. Now if only I could drop a load of poop from Ubber's ramp and it could stink up a griefer's computer.
Sadly, I suppose the poor slob enjoys the attention and pissing others off. Personally these kind of folk should have their IP address banned from There. Having so many ignores should alert THERE that this person has a long history of griefing people.
Typical over opinionated geek , cant handle someone sticking up for themselves, btw i will be constantly posting on your gay blog, ban that rofl rofl rofl
Aussie, you may post here as much as you like. I did not remove your post because you stuck up for yourself. If you have something to say in your defense, please say it. All I ask is you do so in a civilized manner. I would appreciate it if you refrained from using crude and vulgar language.
If you continue to be insulting towards myself and my readership, however, I will continue to remove your posts.
btw i will be constantly posting on your gay blog
Is this kind of language really necessary? Please try to be more constructive! I wrote this blog entry based on my observations of your conduct at Avie Sacrifices. Prove me wrong! Show me you can hold a conversation without insulting somebody every other word.
While up at Avie Sacrifices with Sailor the other night, you seemed to be genuinely sorry for the aggrivation you had caused Ubber. I hope this was not simply a front. Prove to me that you're not out to simply aggrivate people and I will add another update to the blog apologizing for anything I may have written that you found insulting.
Yep Jon fair call, i appologise for any phrases i used wich may of offended , like i said at avi, i never had intentions of spoiling anyones fun , all i wanted to do was somehow enhance ppls fun.
So i moved the paz when There ruled in my favour and Ubber saw the need to pull avi sac , that decision both suprised and upset myself , hence my decision to make my own jump off point and Destination point. So far i have view only myself and one other person actually hit my paz after jummping off avi sac. I would move my jump and slide even further around the mountain to take that small ammount of ppl stopping at my paz, but unfortunately there is only a very small part of the mountain suitable for jump and slide . I think we can comfortably share the mountain and help make there a more enjoyable experience , eventually i will be holding capture events using a bubble trap on my paz.
I have added another update to this blog post.
Aussie, you may also want to take a look at the side of the mountain. During various CCR and There Games events held on the mountain, I have found that side, about halfway down, to be the steepest part of the mountain (even more so than the side of Avie Sacrifices we commonly jump from). It is, at the very least, steeper than the location you currently have your paz.
If you go to the right side of the Avie Sacrifices platform and look due east you'll see a spot where the mountain disappears under a cliff. Hop on a buggy and drive east until you reach a point where the cliff is nearly vertical. I think this might be a better location, given what you are trying to create with your bubbles and all. Might add a new twist also. Here are some coordinates in case you use a gps program: x: -174963 y: -84902 z: 5998340
At that location, an avie can barely stand up straight without slipping and falling due to the steepness of the slope.
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