Big Eights is Not Dead!
The website may be gone, Philovivero may have left There, the test avies may one at a time be losing their Big Eights t-shirts, general knowledge about Big Eights among Therians may be at an all time low but, like that guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, it's not quite dead yet!
This group and its ideas have always fascinated me. I may have been accepted into the Big Eights Elite after the initial hype had ended but it has nevertheless been a major factor in shaping my experiences in There these past two years. The sense of awe and mystery Big Eights invariably induces in somebody when they learn of it for the first time never ceases to amaze me.
I am writing this post out of curiosity. I often see qgon in-world and we frequently greet each other in the traditional Big Eights manner but it is very rare for me to see another person who speaks the lingo or who wears their Big Eights shirt. Are there any original members left who still log in? Does anybody ever display Big Eights or has it become an afterthought since Philo left There?
It's a terrible shame to have lost, but I believe the Big Eights legacy extends beyond Philovivero and even the Big Eights Elite group. As long as There_Monitor continues to wear her Big Eights t-shirt there remains a source of wonder and amazement--an opportunity for anyone who wishes to ask: "What does it all mean?" No, my friends, Big Eights is not yet dead.

This group and its ideas have always fascinated me. I may have been accepted into the Big Eights Elite after the initial hype had ended but it has nevertheless been a major factor in shaping my experiences in There these past two years. The sense of awe and mystery Big Eights invariably induces in somebody when they learn of it for the first time never ceases to amaze me.
I am writing this post out of curiosity. I often see qgon in-world and we frequently greet each other in the traditional Big Eights manner but it is very rare for me to see another person who speaks the lingo or who wears their Big Eights shirt. Are there any original members left who still log in? Does anybody ever display Big Eights or has it become an afterthought since Philo left There?
It's a terrible shame to have lost, but I believe the Big Eights legacy extends beyond Philovivero and even the Big Eights Elite group. As long as There_Monitor continues to wear her Big Eights t-shirt there remains a source of wonder and amazement--an opportunity for anyone who wishes to ask: "What does it all mean?" No, my friends, Big Eights is not yet dead.

Jon Quixote was There!
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