Chaos Theory
Since the update that took place last Wednesday, nothing has worked right. Theria has been thrown into a state of complete and utter chaos! We're headed for a disaster of biblical proportion! That means Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff! Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky!! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave!! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!!!
Among the problems suffered by avies all over There are missing inventories, missing clothes, invisible chat bubbles, and constant, incessant, annoyingly frequent technical difficulty messages. And oh yeah, loaners4u was a void for much of today. But I'll get to that.
Nada seems to be experiencing some rather peculiar weather patterns. A dense fog has rolled in and settled in the very center of the island where the mountains form a natural basin. Residents have begun to complain as the fog permeates even the best sealed of homes. No word yet on when the National Guard will arrive to ease the plight of those poor, unfortunate suffering souls.
Additionally, the area surrounding the Tiki Dog stand, which normally is a bright and sunny beach, has suddenly decided it much prefers the desert's evening sunset. While I'm not complaining about this change of tastes, it is fairly disturbing to see the sun rapidly set as you walk towards the Tiki Dog stand. It's almost as if the sky were falling!! Add falling skies to the list of bugs since the update.
Among the problems suffered by avies all over There are missing inventories, missing clothes, invisible chat bubbles, and constant, incessant, annoyingly frequent technical difficulty messages. And oh yeah, loaners4u was a void for much of today. But I'll get to that.
Nada seems to be experiencing some rather peculiar weather patterns. A dense fog has rolled in and settled in the very center of the island where the mountains form a natural basin. Residents have begun to complain as the fog permeates even the best sealed of homes. No word yet on when the National Guard will arrive to ease the plight of those poor, unfortunate suffering souls.

Additionally, the area surrounding the Tiki Dog stand, which normally is a bright and sunny beach, has suddenly decided it much prefers the desert's evening sunset. While I'm not complaining about this change of tastes, it is fairly disturbing to see the sun rapidly set as you walk towards the Tiki Dog stand. It's almost as if the sky were falling!! Add falling skies to the list of bugs since the update.
Five months ago, planet Theria came dangerously close to a quantum singularity. The results of which were disastrous. See This entry for details about that near miss. Today, scientists tracked the very same quantum singularity as it smashed headlong into the zone where loaners4u resides! The actual impact, however, took place during the scientists' lunch break and so it went unreported until avies began accidentally stumbling into its event horizon. Once inside, there was no way out! Ponder claimed she found some way out involving a web browser, a strip of duct tape, and a roll of film, but we all know that's a bunch of bologna. By late this evening, the black hole had completely passed through the planet, emerging from an area where nothing but blue concrete resides for miles and miles. This time, the anomaly claimed dozens of lives and hundreds of innocent buggies. The two scientists who failed to provide adequate warning were promptly relieved of their positions and thrown into Templar's moat.
The oddest part of all this was that when icedoll attempted to enter loaners4u, she was greeted with a scene that jogged an old memory. This is what she saw today as she found herself tumbling helplessly into the quantum singularity:
This is the sight she and DougS were greeted with (minus the text) about three years prior during a solar flare:
Noticing anything peculiar here? Not yet? Perhaps this well help. This image was taken by Elaur on the 20th of this month:
And this one here was taken by Sammy1000, also on the 20th:
This is a coincidence which Spock would refer to as "fascinating". Could this be a land which has been kept secret from all of us where time and lag have no meaning? Perhaps this is where our avies are laid to rest each night when we log off? I will be setting out in search of this mystical land as soon as I gather a few necessary supplies (some water, a nice hat, a paint gun for fending off beggars... they get pretty thick out in the wild, you know) and load up my TUV. More information to come as this mystery unravels.
Well, given that There is doomed to implode in upon itself any day now, it was decided that we should live life to its fullest while we still had time left. It was with this attitude that we set out on the weekly Cross Country Race this Friday. Justin and I rode up and down Comet three times over before we finally finished. It was the longest CCR I have done to date. It is entirely possible, however, that the reason it took us so long is because I had to push the TUV with my feet the whole way. Wilmaaaaa!
Before heading to bed tonight, Justin, JoAnn, and I stopped by to check up on Mr. Blinky. With all the problems There has been experiencing lately, we wanted to make sure Blinky was okay. Justin gave him some soup, which really seemed to cheer him up, and I left him another bottle of SPF 10,000 just in case. You never know when he'll need it. Justin wondered if Theria's ozone layer would have been sufficient to protect Blinky from being burnt to a crisp from the sun's rays. Back when he spent his time below Saja, the haze protected Blinky. Now, he's out in the middle of New Kansas with the harsh sun beating down upon his pale white skin! And given that all these buggies, bikes, and boards we ride give off massive pollution, I can't see Theria as having much of an ozone layer. Justin raised a valid point, however. We don't really know what kind of fuel those buggies run on. Is it a fossil fuel? Could it possibly be a Thereite byproduct? Perhaps a new energy-efficient means of utilizing the Theregen molecule could result in a low-emissions vehicle. Then again, perhaps this was already done. Perhaps all the Theregen was extracted from There's oceans, a process which left us with nothing but blue concrete spanning for miles.
In any case, Blinky was glad to see us.
Here's hoping There still exists in the AM.
The oddest part of all this was that when icedoll attempted to enter loaners4u, she was greeted with a scene that jogged an old memory. This is what she saw today as she found herself tumbling helplessly into the quantum singularity:

Noticing anything peculiar here? Not yet? Perhaps this well help. This image was taken by Elaur on the 20th of this month:

This is a coincidence which Spock would refer to as "fascinating". Could this be a land which has been kept secret from all of us where time and lag have no meaning? Perhaps this is where our avies are laid to rest each night when we log off? I will be setting out in search of this mystical land as soon as I gather a few necessary supplies (some water, a nice hat, a paint gun for fending off beggars... they get pretty thick out in the wild, you know) and load up my TUV. More information to come as this mystery unravels.
Well, given that There is doomed to implode in upon itself any day now, it was decided that we should live life to its fullest while we still had time left. It was with this attitude that we set out on the weekly Cross Country Race this Friday. Justin and I rode up and down Comet three times over before we finally finished. It was the longest CCR I have done to date. It is entirely possible, however, that the reason it took us so long is because I had to push the TUV with my feet the whole way. Wilmaaaaa!

Before heading to bed tonight, Justin, JoAnn, and I stopped by to check up on Mr. Blinky. With all the problems There has been experiencing lately, we wanted to make sure Blinky was okay. Justin gave him some soup, which really seemed to cheer him up, and I left him another bottle of SPF 10,000 just in case. You never know when he'll need it. Justin wondered if Theria's ozone layer would have been sufficient to protect Blinky from being burnt to a crisp from the sun's rays. Back when he spent his time below Saja, the haze protected Blinky. Now, he's out in the middle of New Kansas with the harsh sun beating down upon his pale white skin! And given that all these buggies, bikes, and boards we ride give off massive pollution, I can't see Theria as having much of an ozone layer. Justin raised a valid point, however. We don't really know what kind of fuel those buggies run on. Is it a fossil fuel? Could it possibly be a Thereite byproduct? Perhaps a new energy-efficient means of utilizing the Theregen molecule could result in a low-emissions vehicle. Then again, perhaps this was already done. Perhaps all the Theregen was extracted from There's oceans, a process which left us with nothing but blue concrete spanning for miles.
In any case, Blinky was glad to see us.

Here's hoping There still exists in the AM.
Jon Quixote was There.