Only Two Things are Infinite...
"...The Universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein
stu·pid (stū'pĭd, styū'-)
adj., -er, -est.
You know, some people are rude, some are obnoxious, and some are total morons. NurseJay's There Games Freelium Escape had just ended and she was trying to find a fair way to award points since she ran out of time when a few people start entering the zone wondering where their event had gone to and why people were in the zone and what happened to their event and where did it go and why were we all standing there and why we weren't answering them...
Poor NurseJay was swamped with those losers asking questions and when they finally decided they had screamed enough into their microphones for one night they let us explain. And then they began asking questions like "There Games?! What is that I never heard of no games do we win something? What do the points count for? How long is this going to take? I want to do my event why are you here when it's time for my event!"
Some people, no matter how many times you explain something to them, they just don't get it. Yep. And that's all I have to say about that.
On a positive note, the Freelium Escape event was definitely fun, though a bit chaotic. One team got themselves inside a dog pen with a Feelium ball and tried to knock it out before the other teams completed one board lap. If somebody completes a lap before said team gets the ball out of the doggie pen, that boarder wins a point for his/her team. As I said, we ran out of time so it was difficult for NurseJay to decide on points, but she wound up awarding first place to Teal and Green team based on the fastest lap times. I thought Teal had accumulated more points, but NurseJay had done a couple practice rounds we weren't aware of and so I guess we were actually tied. Anyways, it was a unique event and unique events are always fun :)
Before the Freelium Escape, I tried another skydiving event hosted by Sammy1000. I did awful, scoring just five points each jump. I scooted off to NurseJay's event quickly so I have no idea which team ended up winning.
Preceding the skydiving, however, I attended three events hosted by Mackie. And when Mackie hosts an event you know it's going to be fun! The first was a boarding event. The layout of the course was exactly the kind I like. It was the kind of course Buff_God and I used to race each other on back in the day. In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
RabidBeast and I were tied for a time and we both vowed to break the tie before the event was out, but Rabid gave up early. I knew I could do it given enough time, but time was rapidly running out and I had my doubts. I raced my hardest right up until the final moments of the event and took the lead with seconds to spare in the event! RabidBeast and I seem to be an almost equal match at most sporting events we compete in and it makes for some fun events.
After the boarding most of us followed Mackie to Lyric Trivia! Mackie wrote a line from the lyrics of a song and we had to guess the song title or the artist, depending on the mood Mackie was in at that moment. The trick here was to have google open to search for any songs you didn't know offhand. Being able to type quickly was a big help. I scored four or five points for our team during the '00-'05 era, but had to google almost every song when she switched over to the 80's. I did fairly well, though, winning seven points total for our team. We won first place!
After the Lyric Trivia was another event called Mssng Vwls. This was loads of fun! Mackie wrote a word with the vowels omitted and we had to guess the word. It wasn't an incredibly difficult event but you had to be fast on that buzzer!! I scored one point for our team and Squirrelett scored several more. At the end of the event there was a three-way tie for first among blue, light blue, and gray!! Woahs! Green got second place.
Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 81!!!!!!!!
Gray: 45
Yellow: 37
Pink: 24
Mauve: 24
Blue: 22
Olive: 13
Peach: 11
Light Blue: 11
Brown: 11
Light Green: 8
Teal: 6
Tan: 6
Red: 5
Purple: 0
Orange: 0
- Albert Einstein
stu·pid (stū'pĭd, styū'-)
adj., -er, -est.
- 1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
You know, some people are rude, some are obnoxious, and some are total morons. NurseJay's There Games Freelium Escape had just ended and she was trying to find a fair way to award points since she ran out of time when a few people start entering the zone wondering where their event had gone to and why people were in the zone and what happened to their event and where did it go and why were we all standing there and why we weren't answering them...
Poor NurseJay was swamped with those losers asking questions and when they finally decided they had screamed enough into their microphones for one night they let us explain. And then they began asking questions like "There Games?! What is that I never heard of no games do we win something? What do the points count for? How long is this going to take? I want to do my event why are you here when it's time for my event!"
Some people, no matter how many times you explain something to them, they just don't get it. Yep. And that's all I have to say about that.
On a positive note, the Freelium Escape event was definitely fun, though a bit chaotic. One team got themselves inside a dog pen with a Feelium ball and tried to knock it out before the other teams completed one board lap. If somebody completes a lap before said team gets the ball out of the doggie pen, that boarder wins a point for his/her team. As I said, we ran out of time so it was difficult for NurseJay to decide on points, but she wound up awarding first place to Teal and Green team based on the fastest lap times. I thought Teal had accumulated more points, but NurseJay had done a couple practice rounds we weren't aware of and so I guess we were actually tied. Anyways, it was a unique event and unique events are always fun :)
Before the Freelium Escape, I tried another skydiving event hosted by Sammy1000. I did awful, scoring just five points each jump. I scooted off to NurseJay's event quickly so I have no idea which team ended up winning.
Preceding the skydiving, however, I attended three events hosted by Mackie. And when Mackie hosts an event you know it's going to be fun! The first was a boarding event. The layout of the course was exactly the kind I like. It was the kind of course Buff_God and I used to race each other on back in the day. In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

After the boarding most of us followed Mackie to Lyric Trivia! Mackie wrote a line from the lyrics of a song and we had to guess the song title or the artist, depending on the mood Mackie was in at that moment. The trick here was to have google open to search for any songs you didn't know offhand. Being able to type quickly was a big help. I scored four or five points for our team during the '00-'05 era, but had to google almost every song when she switched over to the 80's. I did fairly well, though, winning seven points total for our team. We won first place!
After the Lyric Trivia was another event called Mssng Vwls. This was loads of fun! Mackie wrote a word with the vowels omitted and we had to guess the word. It wasn't an incredibly difficult event but you had to be fast on that buzzer!! I scored one point for our team and Squirrelett scored several more. At the end of the event there was a three-way tie for first among blue, light blue, and gray!! Woahs! Green got second place.

Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 81!!!!!!!!
Gray: 45
Yellow: 37
Pink: 24
Mauve: 24
Blue: 22
Olive: 13
Peach: 11
Light Blue: 11
Brown: 11
Light Green: 8
Teal: 6
Tan: 6
Red: 5
Purple: 0
Orange: 0
Jon Quixote was There.
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