A Roll of Film, a Football, a Tooth, and a Seed Packet
Basya's contribution to the There Winter Games this afternoon was a series of bacio races. It began with a few quick warmup laps, but many were anxious to get the races underway and so they began to start their own races. Basya put the funzone into operator mode, promptly putting an end to that nonsense. A few short minutes later, she began starting the first series of races! I came in first place in two of the races, second place in one race, and third place in one final race. Yay for me! It was about this time that somebody had suggested to Basya that she do elimination rounds instead of what she had planned and for whatever reason she agreed. All the races we had done before that were for naught! The elimination races began with each color team racing all of its team members to see who could get the fastest score, then that person would race the other team winners in a final round. I came in first place among my teammates and so was chosen to compete against the other teams. When it came time for the big race, I was in the lead until the last quarter of the final lap when I expertly drove my bacio headlong into the side of a gate!! I was barely able to recover in time to make third place. It was a disappointment to say the least.
At the end of the races, some of the others managed to convince Basya that, because her scoring strategy was all over the map for most of the event, she should also award points for the fastest lap times. We didn't have a chance to do any more laps, however, as the event was over. I received third place for the third fastest lap time. Parker, however, was the fastest so she won three points for green team. Go Parker! Had I known Basya would give points for the fastest lap, I would have tried harder :( I was racing to win races, not to get the fastest lap. I took one more lap just for the heck of it to see what would have happened and managed the fastest time. Oh well. At the end of the event, when all was said and done, green team won five points total. All in all, not too shabby.
While Squirrelett joined other teammates at a Tbone throw where they tried to hit Tbone the furthest with a buggy, I joined Parker at a scavenger hunt hosted by Devonette. Ten clues were hidden around There and inside were "items" which we had to uncover as proof of our 1337 questing skillz. Our travels took us to places like the boneyard in Tyr, a pineapple hut on Cangrejo, the hoverboard park at Nada, the towers at Monkey Crater, a crater on Motu Motu, a photo hut, and a bridge in Caldera. The five clues I hunted down contained the following items: A roll of film, a football, pumice, a tooth, and a seed packet. Between the two of us, we found all ten items and returned back to Devonette only to find we arrived mere moments after another team had found all their items. We took came out of the event with second place, and two more points for green team! Green team rules!!
Afterwards, I joined up with Squirrelett for hoverpack racing hosted by Mackie. I found out that green team won first place at the Tbone throw event! That's right! GREEN TEAM!! The laps began with myself in the lead and Squirrelett close behind. Near the end of the event, however, B_2 shot himself up into second and then first place! What was he thinking?! No matter how hard I tried to catch him, I couldn't come any closer than .8 seconds away from his time :( I came in second place and Squirrelett got third.
Next up was an event called goaling Tbone, hosted by Tbone4. The object was to keep Tbone4 near our team's goal for as long as possible by any means necessary. Buggying for green team was myself, shipo, Squirrelett, and Lisa2. Every 10 minuets, Tbone took a look at which goal he was closest to and kept score that way. We had him closest to our goal on two separate occasions while Tbone was checking where he was! Two other teams received one point each. At the end, Tbone decided the three teams who scored needed to have a buggy bashing contest to determine the winner. Not sure why he did this, but whatever. He was the boss so we didn't argue. We knocked the other two teams out and were proclaimed victorious! Muahahaha. >:D
After that event ended I tried my hand at another round of Mackieball. Only difference this time was that I was completely alone! I couldn't get any other green team members to join me and help out :( Losers!! You know who you are!! Light blue had scored a goal and I wasn't fairing so well when the zone suddenly decided to have a hissy fit. All of our buggies suddenly began spontaneously retrieving themselves into our inventories! It was on the fritz for the rest of the event. Nothing we tried would stop this and it was getting annoying trying to hit Mackie into my goal while my buggy auto-retrieved itself every thirty seconds. I gave up and moved on to the next event, skydiving, where I didn't have much more luck.
This time, Sammy1000 had really skewed the target to the right. I was walking along the edge to line myself up and... %@#!! I slipped! Zero points for my first jump :( I scored 25 points on my second jump and proceeded to help my teammates who faired just as poorly as I, that is until Elaur showed up. She somehow managed to get 25 on both jumps! She promptly began summoning other team members and a couple more showed up, but it didn't make much of a difference. Gray team had so many avies in-world that we didn't stand a chance. Last I counted they had at least eight avies jumping for them. Gray won the event by no small margin. No surprise there. But I was shocked to learn that green came in second!! Go green!!
The final event of the night was hosted by Elaur. It was a language guessing game where Elaur wrote a word and we had to guess what language it was. She provided us with a huge list of many world languages to help us out, but green team wasn't doing so well at the beginning of the event. Mr_Vercetti and Dihtri were getting most of the points. Thanks to my other teammates, however, green team had a couple points to our names. Towards the end of the event, I decided to try a new strategy. It was time to get down to business. If I didn't know the word right away, I began randomly typing languages as fast as my fingers could spit them out, which is pretty fast if I do say so myself. Well, it worked and I began winning round after round! We were accused of cheating because Elaur is also on the green team >:D We won the event with a total of 13 correct words! Yeehah!
Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 44 !!! GOOOO GREEN!!!
Blue: 16
Brown: 8
Gray: 25
Light Blue: 5
Light Green: 3
Mauve: 16
Olive: 7
Orange: 0
Peach: 6
Pink: 10
Purple: 0
Red: 4
Tan: 3
Teal: 1
Yellow: 29

While Squirrelett joined other teammates at a Tbone throw where they tried to hit Tbone the furthest with a buggy, I joined Parker at a scavenger hunt hosted by Devonette. Ten clues were hidden around There and inside were "items" which we had to uncover as proof of our 1337 questing skillz. Our travels took us to places like the boneyard in Tyr, a pineapple hut on Cangrejo, the hoverboard park at Nada, the towers at Monkey Crater, a crater on Motu Motu, a photo hut, and a bridge in Caldera. The five clues I hunted down contained the following items: A roll of film, a football, pumice, a tooth, and a seed packet. Between the two of us, we found all ten items and returned back to Devonette only to find we arrived mere moments after another team had found all their items. We took came out of the event with second place, and two more points for green team! Green team rules!!
Afterwards, I joined up with Squirrelett for hoverpack racing hosted by Mackie. I found out that green team won first place at the Tbone throw event! That's right! GREEN TEAM!! The laps began with myself in the lead and Squirrelett close behind. Near the end of the event, however, B_2 shot himself up into second and then first place! What was he thinking?! No matter how hard I tried to catch him, I couldn't come any closer than .8 seconds away from his time :( I came in second place and Squirrelett got third.

Next up was an event called goaling Tbone, hosted by Tbone4. The object was to keep Tbone4 near our team's goal for as long as possible by any means necessary. Buggying for green team was myself, shipo, Squirrelett, and Lisa2. Every 10 minuets, Tbone took a look at which goal he was closest to and kept score that way. We had him closest to our goal on two separate occasions while Tbone was checking where he was! Two other teams received one point each. At the end, Tbone decided the three teams who scored needed to have a buggy bashing contest to determine the winner. Not sure why he did this, but whatever. He was the boss so we didn't argue. We knocked the other two teams out and were proclaimed victorious! Muahahaha. >:D

After that event ended I tried my hand at another round of Mackieball. Only difference this time was that I was completely alone! I couldn't get any other green team members to join me and help out :( Losers!! You know who you are!! Light blue had scored a goal and I wasn't fairing so well when the zone suddenly decided to have a hissy fit. All of our buggies suddenly began spontaneously retrieving themselves into our inventories! It was on the fritz for the rest of the event. Nothing we tried would stop this and it was getting annoying trying to hit Mackie into my goal while my buggy auto-retrieved itself every thirty seconds. I gave up and moved on to the next event, skydiving, where I didn't have much more luck.
This time, Sammy1000 had really skewed the target to the right. I was walking along the edge to line myself up and... %@#!! I slipped! Zero points for my first jump :( I scored 25 points on my second jump and proceeded to help my teammates who faired just as poorly as I, that is until Elaur showed up. She somehow managed to get 25 on both jumps! She promptly began summoning other team members and a couple more showed up, but it didn't make much of a difference. Gray team had so many avies in-world that we didn't stand a chance. Last I counted they had at least eight avies jumping for them. Gray won the event by no small margin. No surprise there. But I was shocked to learn that green came in second!! Go green!!
The final event of the night was hosted by Elaur. It was a language guessing game where Elaur wrote a word and we had to guess what language it was. She provided us with a huge list of many world languages to help us out, but green team wasn't doing so well at the beginning of the event. Mr_Vercetti and Dihtri were getting most of the points. Thanks to my other teammates, however, green team had a couple points to our names. Towards the end of the event, I decided to try a new strategy. It was time to get down to business. If I didn't know the word right away, I began randomly typing languages as fast as my fingers could spit them out, which is pretty fast if I do say so myself. Well, it worked and I began winning round after round! We were accused of cheating because Elaur is also on the green team >:D We won the event with a total of 13 correct words! Yeehah!
Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 44 !!! GOOOO GREEN!!!
Blue: 16
Brown: 8
Gray: 25
Light Blue: 5
Light Green: 3
Mauve: 16
Olive: 7
Orange: 0
Peach: 6
Pink: 10
Purple: 0
Red: 4
Tan: 3
Teal: 1
Yellow: 29
Jon Quixote was There.
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