Very big thanks to Elaur for the screenshots in this post!
Well, that previous post seems to have rallied everybody together for tonight's games. As promised, I stayed miles away from that blasted paintball event. I did, however, go to several other key events tonight. Basya held another Bacio race, this time with a little twist. It was hostless!! Turns out Basya was somehow banned from her own event and couldn't get in until after the event ended! She tried for the entire hour and a half without any success at all. I kept track of the scores for Basya until superbear2 showed up, upon which time he insisted we do races and not just timed laps because the event's description specifically called for races. He was very adamant about this and wouldn't take no for an answer. And so we raced just to appease him. When basya finally showed up, an argument between the two immediately ensued. Superbear2 insisted that Basya only award points based on the top finishers in the races, however, Basya wanted to also award points based on the fastest laps as she had done in all her other events. Superbear, again, would hear nothing of this and he argued with her until she finally agreed with her fingers crossed behind her back. In the end, green won first place in the races, and first and third for the fastest laps. Great job, team.
I left to help CapeCodBob at Elaur's paintball race while Squirrelett and others attended Tbone4's Tbone Toss. I have to hand it to you, Bob, you were totally awesome at this event. Bob got suited up in his superhero outfit and greased himself to enhance his flight capabilities and... stood still. Stood still while I pummeled him with paintballs back and forth across the track! Bob crossed the finish line before anybody else 90% of the time. Only three times, that I can recall, did he fall behind. The first time was because somebody shot me from behind and sent me flying past Bob! Losers. The second time was because Bob came down with a severe case of lag. No matter how many times I shot him, he just wouldn't budge! He apologized, took his anti-lag medication and we were off again! We lost the final race because the whole superhero thing went to Bob's head and he decided it would be appropriate if he took flight. For a brief moment, I thought he would fly clear over the finish gate! Turns out he landed just short. He won it for us in the end, though. Great job, Bob. You rock!
There I am squaring up as bob bravely places himself in the line of fire.
And there's bob as he gets pummeled across the finish line. Go Bob!
We finished the paintball race with a few minutes to spare and shuffled on over to Tbone's event to give the team a hand in the last ten minutes. By this point, Ubber_Geek had joined us. We met up with teammates BananaSplit199, Mycost, and Squirrelett. In all that made six of us!! I haven't seen that many greens attending the same event since the first day of the There Games at the team roundup!! See what we can accomplish with a little teamwork? We stole the lead and moved on to the next event. Go green!
That's everybody lining up to smash Tbone4 across the zone. Look at all those green nametags!!!
We all stayed put for Tbone's next event, relay races. Needless to say, with all of us present, we dominated the races. After a few short rounds, all but one of the other teams vacated the event and left our two teams to fight it out. Despite being the only racer on her team, jamt forged onward and, by remaining in the event, won second place for her team.
Most of us then caught the train over to Sammy1000's skydiving event. We each took our two jumps and in the end, Elaur got a 10 and a 25 point jump, Squirrelett got 18 and 25, Ubber_Geek got 25 and 25, Bob got 5 and 25, Banana got 10 and 25, and I got 25 and 25. That's a lot of points! We very happily took second place in the event, considering we haven't done so well at most of these skydiving events.
Look! There's Bob!!
The final event of the night was called "Riddle Me This", hosted by Tbone4. Tbone went AWOL during the middle of the event and Elaur was forced to take over hosting duties. She continued reading off riddles and we continued answering them! By the end of the event, green team had accumulated something like eleven points while the other teams received at most two! Go green! Go Bob!! ::crowd roars:: Bob! Bob! Bob!
Total scores at the time of this posting:
Green: 181!!! Yeehah!
Yellow: 138
Gray: 129
Pink: 82
Mauve: 54
Blue: 48
Olive: 29
Teal: 22
Peach: 22
Light Blue: 21
Brown: 18
Light Green: 16
Tan: 13
Purple: 7
Red: 6
Orange: 1
Well, that previous post seems to have rallied everybody together for tonight's games. As promised, I stayed miles away from that blasted paintball event. I did, however, go to several other key events tonight. Basya held another Bacio race, this time with a little twist. It was hostless!! Turns out Basya was somehow banned from her own event and couldn't get in until after the event ended! She tried for the entire hour and a half without any success at all. I kept track of the scores for Basya until superbear2 showed up, upon which time he insisted we do races and not just timed laps because the event's description specifically called for races. He was very adamant about this and wouldn't take no for an answer. And so we raced just to appease him. When basya finally showed up, an argument between the two immediately ensued. Superbear2 insisted that Basya only award points based on the top finishers in the races, however, Basya wanted to also award points based on the fastest laps as she had done in all her other events. Superbear, again, would hear nothing of this and he argued with her until she finally agreed with her fingers crossed behind her back. In the end, green won first place in the races, and first and third for the fastest laps. Great job, team.
I left to help CapeCodBob at Elaur's paintball race while Squirrelett and others attended Tbone4's Tbone Toss. I have to hand it to you, Bob, you were totally awesome at this event. Bob got suited up in his superhero outfit and greased himself to enhance his flight capabilities and... stood still. Stood still while I pummeled him with paintballs back and forth across the track! Bob crossed the finish line before anybody else 90% of the time. Only three times, that I can recall, did he fall behind. The first time was because somebody shot me from behind and sent me flying past Bob! Losers. The second time was because Bob came down with a severe case of lag. No matter how many times I shot him, he just wouldn't budge! He apologized, took his anti-lag medication and we were off again! We lost the final race because the whole superhero thing went to Bob's head and he decided it would be appropriate if he took flight. For a brief moment, I thought he would fly clear over the finish gate! Turns out he landed just short. He won it for us in the end, though. Great job, Bob. You rock!

We finished the paintball race with a few minutes to spare and shuffled on over to Tbone's event to give the team a hand in the last ten minutes. By this point, Ubber_Geek had joined us. We met up with teammates BananaSplit199, Mycost, and Squirrelett. In all that made six of us!! I haven't seen that many greens attending the same event since the first day of the There Games at the team roundup!! See what we can accomplish with a little teamwork? We stole the lead and moved on to the next event. Go green!

We all stayed put for Tbone's next event, relay races. Needless to say, with all of us present, we dominated the races. After a few short rounds, all but one of the other teams vacated the event and left our two teams to fight it out. Despite being the only racer on her team, jamt forged onward and, by remaining in the event, won second place for her team.
Most of us then caught the train over to Sammy1000's skydiving event. We each took our two jumps and in the end, Elaur got a 10 and a 25 point jump, Squirrelett got 18 and 25, Ubber_Geek got 25 and 25, Bob got 5 and 25, Banana got 10 and 25, and I got 25 and 25. That's a lot of points! We very happily took second place in the event, considering we haven't done so well at most of these skydiving events.

The final event of the night was called "Riddle Me This", hosted by Tbone4. Tbone went AWOL during the middle of the event and Elaur was forced to take over hosting duties. She continued reading off riddles and we continued answering them! By the end of the event, green team had accumulated something like eleven points while the other teams received at most two! Go green! Go Bob!! ::crowd roars:: Bob! Bob! Bob!
Total scores at the time of this posting:
Green: 181!!! Yeehah!
Yellow: 138
Gray: 129
Pink: 82
Mauve: 54
Blue: 48
Olive: 29
Teal: 22
Peach: 22
Light Blue: 21
Brown: 18
Light Green: 16
Tan: 13
Purple: 7
Red: 6
Orange: 1
Jon Quixote was There.
For references and home photographs, this is what jon_quixote looks like:
oh.... that was in 2D
But for hoverbiking, this game really does have a steep learning curve... It is much more complicated than it appears. But after a while, you begin to feel like a bunny . The Olympics did a great job of doing that. The sounds effects could be a lot better (just speculating) because you will not be paying attention to them, you'll be listening to the insane music that Justin500 is providing throughout the race! But I agree that perhaps some fluidity is neccessary. However, it takes a lot more than you think to make the movements fluid and not too much to process... ask john, he'll tell you! I honestly think they did an awesome job with making THE GAME FUN! Thats a big deal already. Plus the game is great... I think the game is already successful . Of course, you would know better hehe.
lots of happy faces
ok, back to normal. This is what john really looks like:
LOL hey Justin :D I agree the hoverbiking and bacio racing has a learning curve. You did really well after just a few laps though! You earned third place for blue team at one of basya's events, didn't you? That's really good :D Quick study.
As far as what I look like...
Is that really me? lol
I always figured this was more what I looked like:
Hint: Try translating that into ascii characters :D
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