According to recent astronomical reports, planet Theria is passing dangerously close to a quantum singularity! Two days ago, astronomers began the hunt for the Deep Space 999,999 station, which had mysteriously vanished. They threw a fit when their twenty-million dollar telescopes suddenly failed to resolve anything within ten parsecs of the station's last known coordinates. The janitor, upon hearing the astronomers' complaints in the lunchroom, suggested maybe something was blocking the telescope. His suggestion was laughed at and forgotten for the next 24 hours. After a day of cursing each other, one of the astronomers finally realized they had forgotten to take the lens cap off the telescope. At this moment the silence in the observatory was deafening. Somewhere, a janitor was laughing. The astronomers once again began their hunt for Deep Space 999,999. After hours of careful observations, they came to the conclusion that the station had been sucked into the unmistakably huge black hole that was lingering in orbit above the planet. Soon after, the effects of the black hole were being felt all over There. Colors and textures appeared to disappear and lag increased ten fold as the immense quantum singularity exerted massive gravitational forces on the planet. Click the screenshot below to enlarge.
Oh the horror! Oh the humanity! There was only one thing that could be done to save planet Theria from total annihilation as the enormous quantum singularity drew closer and closer, wrapping its slippery black fingers of destruction around the helpless, innocent population of There! The writer of this outrageous story had to be locked away forever!

Jon Quixote was There.
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