Bail Out!
Basya hosted another round of Bacio races this evening. Nowhere near as many people showed up to this event as did in the last one she held. As a result, she had to award points based solely on the fastest lap time. She did, however, run several races just for fun even though they didn't really count for anything. Out of eight races, I won eight of them :) Yeehah!
Eight was the magic number today, as I met up with qgon, a fellow Big Eights member who actually is still active in There! Shouts to qgon, Big '8!! About halfway through the races, RabidBeast finally caught onto my bacio racing technique that had previously given me a huge edge and he started to give me a run for my money. I think the lag monster got him in the end, though. Green won the event!
I hung around the zone until Tbone4 arrived to host his goaling Tbone event. Unfortunately, he had issues getting the goal posts set up and starting the event so it started about twenty minutes late. On top of that, only four people showed up. He got enough goal posts set up so that we could manage, but I left after about ten more minutes to head to the next event. Squirrelett tried her hardest but green team didn't get any points in that round. Gray won first place. 'boo
By far the most exciting event yet in these games was Ubber_Geek's relay races at Avie Sacrifices. We all stood on a deck (Fig. 1) which was pulled out from beneath us (Fig. 2) after which we tumbled down the side of the mountain (Figs. 3-4). Once we came to a stop at the bottom, we were to take out a buggy and haul ourselves back up to the Avie Sacrifices platform! If you aimed right you could actually smash your buggy right through the deck (Fig. 5), put the peddle to the metal and gun it right back off the deck. Of course, you then proceed to bail out (Fig. 6) and tumble back down the mountain. Upon coming to a stop a second time at the base of the mountain, we were to take out a bike and flyyyyy back up to the platform where the winner was declared.

I hung around the zone until Tbone4 arrived to host his goaling Tbone event. Unfortunately, he had issues getting the goal posts set up and starting the event so it started about twenty minutes late. On top of that, only four people showed up. He got enough goal posts set up so that we could manage, but I left after about ten more minutes to head to the next event. Squirrelett tried her hardest but green team didn't get any points in that round. Gray won first place. 'boo
By far the most exciting event yet in these games was Ubber_Geek's relay races at Avie Sacrifices. We all stood on a deck (Fig. 1) which was pulled out from beneath us (Fig. 2) after which we tumbled down the side of the mountain (Figs. 3-4). Once we came to a stop at the bottom, we were to take out a buggy and haul ourselves back up to the Avie Sacrifices platform! If you aimed right you could actually smash your buggy right through the deck (Fig. 5), put the peddle to the metal and gun it right back off the deck. Of course, you then proceed to bail out (Fig. 6) and tumble back down the mountain. Upon coming to a stop a second time at the base of the mountain, we were to take out a bike and flyyyyy back up to the platform where the winner was declared.
I made it back up to the top first in the opening relay race (goooo green!!) but when we held the relay race a second time, I totally lost it on the way up in my buggy. I flipped over when I was nearly at the top and slid back down about a quarter of the way. I bailed out and somehow managed to stay standing. I pulled out my buggy again and hopped in before it slid too far away, then proceeded to finish the race. After both relay races were complete, Ubber held a final race down and back up in a buggy just for fun. Oh, and for 1,000 therebucks. On my way up, I thought that Stymie made it up first just ahead of me, but Ubber said I was the first to the top. I let him keep his 1,000 therebucks anyways. It was a fun race and no prize was necessary.
I departed Comet Island to take a few laps in francis_7's Lap Pool hoverpack race, but he was mysteriously absent!! It was the same underwater course as before and I took the lead time without too much difficulty. RabidBeast was in second, and Squirrelett was in third place. Rabid hates hoverpacks, he much more prefers flutterbugs. Hoverpacks aren't fast enough for him! I hung out with the penguins while I waited for francis_7 to show up.
Then, about ten minutes 'till the end of the event, Virtual_Vikki shows up! 'wink 'wink 'nudge 'nudge. She reset all the scores and Squirrelett and I took the top two spots followed by NurseJay, the only other person still in the event at this point. francis_7 finally managed to log in, just in time for the event to end. Then he realized that the event had actually been going on for an hour before he got there and he had erased the previous scores! :O :O I sent him the screenies I had taken to set the records straight. Myself in first, RabidBeast in second, Squirrelett in third. Go green team!!!
The final event of the night was hosted by Elaur up at Avie Sacrifices. The object was to "ski" on a bike down the side of the mountain and be first through the finish line. Everyone crowds in front of a small kick ramp awaiting the countdown. Tensions run high. A puddle of sweat begins to soak into the wooden deck beneath us. Noxious fumes from the two dozen bikes encircle the pack of bikes causing hallucinations of borg cubes attacking from bearing one eight zero mark two. There are so many people gathered that most of them are either blockheads or ghosts resulting in all manner of unworldly havoc at the starting gate! Fingers tremble upon the turbo button. A few even run off prematurely in anticipation! Elaur yells "GO!" and like a flash of lightning bikes roar off the ramp, leaving poor Elaur coughing in all the exhaust!! Thanks, Elaur for the screeny:
Green team did VERY well in this event. By the end of the five races, we had amassed a total of 17 points! We had two team members in the top three spots for almost all of the races we did! qgon was racing for the Olive team, and was exceptionally fast. He came in first place in three out of the five races! Kudos! I trailed immediately behind him through the finish line more than once. The final race down the mountain was the most fun, though. I followed qgon right through the finish gate and as we both turned around we saw that nobody was behind us! They were all a good five seconds away!! It was incredible! This screeny was taken in those final moments when qgon and I turned around and saw all those avie nametags still on the other side of the finish line. The look on our faces was a classic. Click to englarge:
Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 52!!!!
Yellow: 30
Gray: 30
Mauve: 18
Pink: 16
Blue: 16
Olive: 10
Brown: 9
Peach: 8
Light Green: 5
Light Blue: 5
Red: 3
Tan: 3
Teal: 2
Purple: 0
Orange: 0
I departed Comet Island to take a few laps in francis_7's Lap Pool hoverpack race, but he was mysteriously absent!! It was the same underwater course as before and I took the lead time without too much difficulty. RabidBeast was in second, and Squirrelett was in third place. Rabid hates hoverpacks, he much more prefers flutterbugs. Hoverpacks aren't fast enough for him! I hung out with the penguins while I waited for francis_7 to show up.

The final event of the night was hosted by Elaur up at Avie Sacrifices. The object was to "ski" on a bike down the side of the mountain and be first through the finish line. Everyone crowds in front of a small kick ramp awaiting the countdown. Tensions run high. A puddle of sweat begins to soak into the wooden deck beneath us. Noxious fumes from the two dozen bikes encircle the pack of bikes causing hallucinations of borg cubes attacking from bearing one eight zero mark two. There are so many people gathered that most of them are either blockheads or ghosts resulting in all manner of unworldly havoc at the starting gate! Fingers tremble upon the turbo button. A few even run off prematurely in anticipation! Elaur yells "GO!" and like a flash of lightning bikes roar off the ramp, leaving poor Elaur coughing in all the exhaust!! Thanks, Elaur for the screeny:

Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 52!!!!
Yellow: 30
Gray: 30
Mauve: 18
Pink: 16
Blue: 16
Olive: 10
Brown: 9
Peach: 8
Light Green: 5
Light Blue: 5
Red: 3
Tan: 3
Teal: 2
Purple: 0
Orange: 0
Jon Quixote was There.
1 comment:
Love that last picture :D Big Eights!
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