Go for the Gold!
Tonight was just packed with fun. First up was another skydiving contest! Same rules as last time: Jump off a sky deck and land on the bullseye. Now, I figured I had an advantage; I had done this twice in the previous event. My first jump, however, got me just ten points! They moved the target to the left!! So I tried again and landed in the bullseye! Then I bounced out of it! And scored 25 points. Yay. But those two jumps gave me a good idea of where we needed to jump from to get a bullseye. Squirrelett tried her hand next and got 25 and 38 points. Her second jump landed her partially in the bullseye so the points were split. After our combined jumps we knew exactly where to jump from. We passed that info along to the other green team members beginning with Ubber_Geek, who scored a bullseye on his first jump! Others quickly followed suit and green took home first place in the event!!
The next event was a flutterbug race hosted by none other than Mackie, our resident fun expert. I was in first place most of the race until RabidBeast beat my time by about a second and a half :( No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't catch his time. I made second place and Squirrelett came in third, giving green team a total of three points for the event anyways!
Immediately following that event was another hoverpack race, this time hosted by Francis_7 and with a slightly different twist. It took place under water beneath inches of solid ice! It certainly was an experience! Seaweed and other aquatic life made it very difficult to see where we were going. I was frozen stiff by the end of the event, but I managed to beat Rabid's time by three seconds and secured three points for my team!! Eye candy follows, click to enlarge:

Blast! Giggles crashed on me several times during the event and almost prevented me from getting all these screenshots! I'm pretty sure that Giggles wasn't designed to operate at subarctic temperatures. That most likely explains these abnormal malfunctions. But I made quick work of that problem in time to get a shot of the final course times.
The final event of the night was a foot race hosted by Elaur! Multiple foot races, as a matter of fact. A start gate, a finish line, and a pair of sneakers. I wore holes through both shoes but it was well worth it! This was definitely a fun event. The lag was pretty bad because there were just so many of us running in a pack. Anybody who was near the front of the pack saw themselves in first place on their client side, but Elaur was prepared for that. To be sure she got an accurate picture of who crossed the finish line and when, Elaur had cameras set up at the finish line. Every race was a photo finish!
I came in second place in the second of the regular foot races. Then we switched over to races with super bunny slippers. In the third super bunnies race I crossed the finish line first, according to Elaur, with an obvious lead over the rest of the pack.
A couple races later, somebody thought it would be funny to park a hoverboat in front of the finish line just as we were crossing it. Everybody who bumped into it and didn't win as a result fell to the floor in hysterical fits of laughter. It was really funny. Really. Somebody else thought it might be humorous to fire his paintball gun at whoever didn't have a forcefield on as we crossed the finish line. Again, those who didn't win as a result immediately broke out in insane laughter. The final race was, consequently, held a second time and the results from the previous race, tainted by a fool's attempts to amuse himself, were ignored. The gate was lifted, Elaur said "GO!" and we took off!! It was neck and neck for a moment, then my super bunnies kicked in and off I went! I ran as fast as my little avie legs could hurl me across the terrain but they were so tired from the previous races! I heard the pack of runners behind me, stampeding closer with a thunderous roar! In a rush of adrenaline I caught my second wind and swept passed the finish line leaving a trail of dust in my wake! I had won!! Thanks to the combined victories of myself and Ubber_Geek, green team took the lead overall in this event and earned ourselves three points!
Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 23
Yellow: 17
Gray: 12
Mauve: 10
Blue: 8
Pink: 8
Brown: 3
Olive: 3
Peach: 3
Light Blue: 2
Red: 1
Light Green: 0
Orange: 0
Purple: 0
Tan: 0
Teal: 0
The next event was a flutterbug race hosted by none other than Mackie, our resident fun expert. I was in first place most of the race until RabidBeast beat my time by about a second and a half :( No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't catch his time. I made second place and Squirrelett came in third, giving green team a total of three points for the event anyways!

Immediately following that event was another hoverpack race, this time hosted by Francis_7 and with a slightly different twist. It took place under water beneath inches of solid ice! It certainly was an experience! Seaweed and other aquatic life made it very difficult to see where we were going. I was frozen stiff by the end of the event, but I managed to beat Rabid's time by three seconds and secured three points for my team!! Eye candy follows, click to enlarge:

The final event of the night was a foot race hosted by Elaur! Multiple foot races, as a matter of fact. A start gate, a finish line, and a pair of sneakers. I wore holes through both shoes but it was well worth it! This was definitely a fun event. The lag was pretty bad because there were just so many of us running in a pack. Anybody who was near the front of the pack saw themselves in first place on their client side, but Elaur was prepared for that. To be sure she got an accurate picture of who crossed the finish line and when, Elaur had cameras set up at the finish line. Every race was a photo finish!

Total scores as of this posting:
Green: 23
Yellow: 17
Gray: 12
Mauve: 10
Blue: 8
Pink: 8
Brown: 3
Olive: 3
Peach: 3
Light Blue: 2
Red: 1
Light Green: 0
Orange: 0
Purple: 0
Tan: 0
Teal: 0
Jon Quixote was There.
I love that icey waterland. It was cool.
Memories, eh?
It definitely was cool. That was probably one of my favorite events, looking back on it all.
Good times.
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