Two Years Old!
Last night, Elaur threw me a two year avie-versary party! Since the Aero Lounge wouldn't let her book the event early (There_Events forgot to pay rent... Bad There_Events, bad!) E booked it at Explorer's Club instead. I arrived a little early to help E set up and found the place already decked out for the party. There was food on the tables--pizza, corn, burgers--and E was dropping a quest based on some trivia questions I sent her about myself. She did an awesome job decorating! But I later found out that most of the decorations were left there by the previous person to host an event. Details, details. I owe E a big thanks for hosting my party! You rock! 'chicken 'chicken
MustangGirl was the first to arrive. It was nice chatting with her again, but she didn't stay too long. Dihtri arrived soon after and BluegrassTIGGS showed up briefly to sing "happy birthday" to me! Elaur even managed to summon Francis_7 and Rickpa to the party. Francis_7 brought his counterparts along for the ride, and and.. wait.. who's missing? There he is! Buff_God was a bit late but he came!

Dihtri showed off her recent nose job. It looks.. uh.. great, Dihtri.. no really! 'tu
Buff made (yes made!) two boards for me. In all honesty, I'm a bit partial to the freestyle version with its slick black vents. But the cruiser is a one of a kind! And, of course, you can never have enough boards!
E is making me turn my Geek shirt into a female version for my gift. Wait what? And she gave me this spiffy Polygon People outfit she designed:
And guess who showed up at 10:30 just like she promised!!
Julian's YahoOo senses began tingling and we could feel him breathing down our necks, so Leader didn't stay too long. But it was a nice birthday gift! Qgon showed up rather mysteriously immediately after Leader logged out. What's up with that? 'hmm...
Psst.. see that guy Sylas eying us all suspiciously back there? Yeah, we thought he might have been... never mind. Silly, I know.
Once everybody had logged out for the night, qgon and I took a visit to mister lucky lucky 13 test avie and poked fun at him for his Hogan-style mustache thingy.
And then, before calling it a night myself, we jumped off Avie Sacrifices.

Thank you everybody who came to make my two year avie-versary a great party! And another huge thanks to E for making it happen!!
MustangGirl was the first to arrive. It was nice chatting with her again, but she didn't stay too long. Dihtri arrived soon after and BluegrassTIGGS showed up briefly to sing "happy birthday" to me! Elaur even managed to summon Francis_7 and Rickpa to the party. Francis_7 brought his counterparts along for the ride, and and.. wait.. who's missing? There he is! Buff_God was a bit late but he came!

Dihtri showed off her recent nose job. It looks.. uh.. great, Dihtri.. no really! 'tu

Buff made (yes made!) two boards for me. In all honesty, I'm a bit partial to the freestyle version with its slick black vents. But the cruiser is a one of a kind! And, of course, you can never have enough boards!

E is making me turn my Geek shirt into a female version for my gift. Wait what? And she gave me this spiffy Polygon People outfit she designed:

And guess who showed up at 10:30 just like she promised!!

Julian's YahoOo senses began tingling and we could feel him breathing down our necks, so Leader didn't stay too long. But it was a nice birthday gift! Qgon showed up rather mysteriously immediately after Leader logged out. What's up with that? 'hmm...

Once everybody had logged out for the night, qgon and I took a visit to mister lucky lucky 13 test avie and poked fun at him for his Hogan-style mustache thingy.

And then, before calling it a night myself, we jumped off Avie Sacrifices.

In style.

Thank you everybody who came to make my two year avie-versary a great party! And another huge thanks to E for making it happen!!

Jon Quixote was There!
Haha, nice party. Wish I could have been there, but dialup's screwing me over. That and the crippling lack of RAM on the excuse of a computer I've been forced to use.
The nagging part for me is that I know I'll never get quite a turnout. I'm too much a loner in-world for it.
Well, you did tell us the good one's still under warranty so.. ship it out! Get a new one!
If it wasn't for E, though, Francis and Rickpa probably wouldn't have came. It's all about friends bringing their friends bringing their friends.
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