Disconnected Thoughts
And wow! Hey! What's this thing coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding word like... ow... ound... round... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?
Lieutenant Dihtri, load forward tubes! Acquire target lock! Mister Chaz, divert all available power to the warp drive! Fire chicken torpedoes, full spread! Helm, come about, one five zero mark two. Engage engines, warp factor five!

Lieutenant Dihtri, load forward tubes! Acquire target lock! Mister Chaz, divert all available power to the warp drive! Fire chicken torpedoes, full spread! Helm, come about, one five zero mark two. Engage engines, warp factor five!

Watch out Dihtri! That elf is about to smash your--
Oh! That'll leave a mark.
(Did anybody else see Chaz just age thirty years?)
Ewwww gross!!
Shh shh! There she is! Duck! You think she spotted us? Ahh! My ears!

Oh! That'll leave a mark.

Ewwww gross!!

Shh shh! There she is! Duck! You think she spotted us? Ahh! My ears!

And in this corner, weighing in at 600x50 pixels, the amazing, the fabulous, the unstoppable, the incredibly ferocious JQ!! (Crowd goes wild) Tonight he faces his long time arch-rival, the terrible, the savage, Buff_God!!! 'cricket
And what have we learned, Titanic builders? A) [Lifeboat capacity] - [Number of passengers] better @#$% well be a positive number. B) NEVER call your boat "unsinkable".

And what have we learned, Titanic builders? A) [Lifeboat capacity] - [Number of passengers] better @#$% well be a positive number. B) NEVER call your boat "unsinkable".

Jon Quixote was There!
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