Sunday, December 10, 2006

Valhalla Revisited

In my fifth ever post up here on this blog, here, I included some screenshots I took of Valhalla during a Massive Hoverboat Flotilla. Valhalla is this monstrous collection of pazes put out by RedWings on random occasions. It has at least 20 pazes and 1,000 drops!! I had the opportunity to revisit Valhalla last night and, boy, is it awesome looking. So awesome looking, in fact, that giggles crashed nearly every time I attempted to snap a screenshot. The area was packed full of blinking lights, exploding fireworks, and bursting at the seams with colors of every sort! Using the latest available high-tech image re-creation photographic software, I have generated an approximation of the awesomeness I saw which was too powerful for screen capture programs to correctly process. I hope you enjoy the splendor as much as I did! Click to englarge:

Jon Quixote was There!


Anonymous said...

I want this blown up and framed on my wall...This rendition of Valhala is genius!

Jon Quixote said...

:D Thanks go out to TheSpirit for this one. We were floating around in my shuttle and I kept trying to take screenshots but there was just too much information for giggles to process into a jpeg it seems. It kept crashing on me. Bad giggles!

Eventually I gave up and Spirit suggested I draw it in MS Paint. Absolute genius! I would have never thought to do that myself.