Happy Avie-Versary Elaur!!
I came home today (technically yesterday) to find Elaur on my desktop screaming about this new 4-seater buggy. Moments later, there I was in-world, still wearing my Sacrificial Suit from the last blog entry, before E and Chaz even loaded on my screen, beholding this wonderful machine:

As a side note, Chaz rocks! So many new additions today (technically yesterday). 4-seater buggies, new stylemaker tops for men and women, fixed clipping issues on male stylemaker tops, a brand new 'toast emote, and a fixed 'jig emote!! Happy Avie-Versary Elaur indeed!!!
So, what better way to celebrate Elaur's two year Avie-Versary than to blind summon every last buddy currently online onto a tiny deck way up near Avie-Sacrifices? That's exactly what puddlefish and I convinced Elaur to do! Apparently, E rarely pulls this kind of stunt so everybody accepted the blind summons thinking something along the lines of: "Oh my gosh, Elaur is summoning me, it must be extremely important!" So, needless to say, a ton of people were gathered on that tiny little deck within a matter of seconds.

And mere moments later, that deck was pulled right out from beneath them. What, you thought we were going to hand out party hats and sing "Happy Birthday"?

Jon Quixote was There!
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