Priceless Sacrifice
Rugged all terrain boots with economical inso-late® thermal liner: 3,500 Therebucks.
Can't bust 'em® sacrificial pants, equipped with side and rear pockets: 2,000 Therebucks.
Rip-stop® sacrificial shirt, featuring elbow padding, thermal insulation, and patented whiplash protection technology: 2,300 Therebucks.
Grip-rite® gloves, including altimeter and Reel-Feel® thermometer: 1,500 Therebucks.
Cable knit Santa hat: 5,000 Therebucks.
Various belts, buckles, and straps: 1,200 Therebucks.
Putting yourself in harm's way so that sick children all across the world can learn to love Mario and Luigi as much as you did: Priceless.

Can't bust 'em® sacrificial pants, equipped with side and rear pockets: 2,000 Therebucks.
Rip-stop® sacrificial shirt, featuring elbow padding, thermal insulation, and patented whiplash protection technology: 2,300 Therebucks.
Grip-rite® gloves, including altimeter and Reel-Feel® thermometer: 1,500 Therebucks.
Cable knit Santa hat: 5,000 Therebucks.
Various belts, buckles, and straps: 1,200 Therebucks.
Putting yourself in harm's way so that sick children all across the world can learn to love Mario and Luigi as much as you did: Priceless.

Jon Quixote was There!
'tu, man, 'tu.
I would have attended, but jsut the thought of lag scares me at this point.
It's like it's performed some kind of negative reinforcement on me, avoiding all major (or even minor) population areas, exiled, as it were.
Well as soon as you get that brand shiny new computer... :D
And as soon as I get some more free time we're breaking you free from your phobia. We still have an expedition to complete!! Oh but I'm not supposed to talk about that.. it's all hush hush see... you! Readers! All two and a half of you, forget you saw me say that.
But yeah, that was really fun last night. I'g glad I did it, even though I had to break up my school work to find time for it. So busy.. so busy.. 'pullouthair
HAHA. Yeah, that movie was on. Out of them all, I like II the best 'cause out of ALL the time-travel movies in the series, it's the only one that goes to the future (WTF?).
I'm now determined to use jigawatts in regular conversation (say... for computers "This model's got 4 jigawatts!") and use people's reations to see if they know about the topic.
Sidenote: You have half a reader? Haha... (I add a half to numbers using people all the time, too.)
Yeah half a reader! I won't reveal who that half a reader is, but he/she does, indeed, exist!
In addition to using "jigawatts" in daily conversations, lets also use "pontificate" a lot. For some reason I'm in a Mac mood... even though I don't have one, never had one, don't even know how to use one, always made fun of them, etc etc... If you search Apple's site you'll find references to "pontificate" and it just sounds so... cool.
You know what made me start thinking about Macs? I saw somewhere somebody saying that a Mac is like an entire PC being designed by google. Or something to that effect. I love google. I love the way they design everything. It's so simple and clean, it's all right there where you need it. There's no fumbling about to find what you're looking for. I mean, these people put some serious research into the layouts and features of everything they design. Plus, you gotta admit, those TV ads of theirs are pretty catchy.
Net tell me to stop screwing around on the Apple website and get some work done!
"stop screwing around on the Apple website and get some work done! "
I don't think Macs would let me fiddle with enough settings. Oh how I do love to fiddle. I make the device my own, you see.
You can have too much fiddling, though. That's what Linux is. Did you know it has text consoles out in the open, MS-DOS-like? It's like you're perforing an autopsy on your computer whenever you start it up.
~ Signed Net- "WTF is a kernel?" -rider6.
Get in-world, if ya can. I'm open now through Monday. My Monday is delightfully school-less.
~ Signed Net- "WTF is a kernel?" -rider6.
LOL! That's too rich.
I guess you didn't realize I'm a linux geek? I went down into the basement one day and saw all these spare computer parts going to waste. "I can't let that happen!" says I. So I build me a computer out of those spare parts and then as I sat back admiring my handy work I thought to myself "Hm.. now what do I install on it? Oh! Linux is free! I'll try that." And that was the beginning of a beeaaaauuuuutiful friendship between me and Red Hat 9. That box sits in the living room happily hosting away. No keyboard, no mouse, no monitor even. I remote into it from my windows machine.
And don't knock DOS! It's got the jigawatts!! I also happen to have a box here pontifically laying dormant at my feet that has DOS and Windows 3.11 installed on it. And it has a real 16 bit soundblaster card to recreate Tie Fighter and Aces over Europe in all their former glory!! Yeah, this was another one of those spare parts things.
But.. yeah um.. won't be logging in anytime soon. Been insanely, rediculously, outrageously busy preparing for this final presentation in Software Engineering class Monday night. Wrote 13 pages tonight and 9 last night in final documents alone. Still more to do tomorrow. I'll be at school all day Monday with my team just practicing for this thing. Invitations went out to the entire CS department. At the very least, the class, our professor, our clients, the department chair and the dean will likely be there.
Two finals to take after that and by Wednesday I look forward to sitting around twiddling my thumbs until the end of January. Can't wait!
Elaur asked me today why I'm always set to "busy" in Yahoo. Hah. Funny.
Maxims for the Computer Age
1. Home is where you hang your @
2. The E-mail of the species is more deadly than the mail.
3. A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click.
4. You can't teach a new mouse old clicks.
5. Great groups from little icons grow.
6. Speak softly and carry a cellular phone.
7. C:\ is the root of all directories.
8. Don't put all your hypes in one home page.
9. Pentium wise; pen and paper foolish.
10. The modem is the message.
11. Too many clicks spoil the browse.
12. The geek shall inherit the earth.
13. A chat has nine lives.
14. Don't byte off more than you can view.
15. Fax is stranger than fiction.
16. What boots up must come down.
17. Windows will never cease.
18. In Gates we trust (and our tender is legal).
19. Virtual reality is its own reward.
20. Modulation in all things.
21. A user and his leisure time are soon parted.
22. There's no place like
23. Know what to expect before you connect.
24. Oh, what a tangled website we weave when first we practice.
25. Speed thrills.
26. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to use the Net
and he won't bother you for weeks.
And just to make sure I've driven my point home:
Real men use DOS!
Haha, nice list.
The Matrix is on. I wanna be in the MMO again, now.
It's actually playable on dialup if your computer doesn't suck. It has the weirdest rubberbanding, though. They don't kill the running animation so you just kinda run in place.
Software Engineering, eh? Sounds cool. Oracle sponsored a Database Design class last year.
No one passed the Certification test. Then I moved, bah. This place has nothing past Business Computer Applications (a -let's be frank- secretarial course. Word, Excel, the like.). Plus it's a dialup sinkhole, from which naught but my plentable cries escape. I can be heard to whisper ...a year and a half... a year and a half... in my sleep, denoting the time that I may escape from school, and make it to the broadband promised with higher learning.
It's fun to right comments like that, utilizing my penchant for the dramtic and my lengthened vocabulary.
I made sure to use "jigawatt" and "pontificate" often at work today.
Software Engineering? Definately NOT cool. This course sucks.
And yes you need a better computer so you can jack in again.
Speaking of the Matrix: Operation Dark Storm.
I found it uncanny, haha.
Bah, copout...
But I guess it's true user-generated content is what they're getting at with that. From There to Wikipedia to YouTube, is it getting big.
I guess it's an ok choice.
This is the first chance in a long time I feel like I don't have this cloud of stress hanging over me. One last final to take today, one last software engineering document to submit this afternoon, and I AM DONE!
I don't believe it. I can't believe it. I must believe it!
My group's presentation was a hit. They loved our site. We kicked butt.
Now then, on to important matters. Sulfur?! Hm lets see. Global warming is a problem, hey I know! Lets block out the sun!! Yeah! Nobel Prize!!! Hey didn't they do that in some movie? The.. grid? The.. array? The Linear Structure! Yeah that was it.
But I guess it's true user-generated content is what they're getting at with that. From There to Wikipedia to YouTube, is it getting big.
Blogs! Don't forget blogs!!
Soon Net, very very soon we'll finish our expedition!
Tempus Fugit!
"Tempus Fugit"
Hmm, Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
"Tempus Fugit" has been a saying of mine all semester long. All last semester too, in fact. I started writing it down in my notebooks every now and then when the day seemed to drag on just so I could flip back and see how quickly the time had actually gone by.
I like that idea. School's out till Jan and I'm free now, by the way,
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