Majandi made a new shuttle!! I saw this yesterday in auctions and I couldn't resist. It's too perfect! This new "Delta Boat" is much smaller than the older "Hover Shuttle" design, yet still comfortably seats a pilot and four passengers within the pressurized, climate-controlled cockpit. Top speed: Warp Factor five.

Captain's log, stardate 317255.3: My second in command, Buff_God and I were out on the standard shakedown cruise all new craft undergo when we encountered a rare quantum anomaly. I experienced a similar anomaly nearly 9 months ago during my earliest adventures into space. It seems, however, it has since been drawn closer to planet Theria. At least one part of it has even intersected the planet's surface near Duda Beach. Beware if you're following the path west of Dune Valley towards Duda Beach! The anomaly does not register on standard sensor equipment and can cause devastating segmentation violations in this region of the desert!! We were carrying three other passengers at the time, MissyJean, Two, and Justin500. The shuttle ran straight into an unstable zone of the anomaly, causing immediate segmentation violations! Though our passengers objected, I took us back through several times to collect valuable data. I have since used that data to enhance the Delta Boat's shield modulations in hopes it will protect us from further segmentation violations. The physiological effects of the anomaly on avatars are still unknown. My second in command claims he was experiencing dizzy spells and visual inconsistencies, but the ship's physician finds him in perfect health.

Jon Quixote was There.