In other news, mad cow disease hits There. A particularly nasty strain of the disease has mutated into what scientists have dubbed "Bordemvine Spongy-tummy Encel-apathy". Just the other day it drove some to harass the locals at Paiz. Witnesses report three oversized avies crowding and frightening anything wearing an orange shirt, and some things not. One crazed avie was heard screaming "boogabaloo" as he ran in and out of a conversation group. Inquiries are being made as to the word's meaning. Luckily, staff member Greeter_Ice was on the scene and put a stop to the nonsense before it could spread. My sources assure me the virus is not airborne, but the three affected avies are being held in quarantine pending what may be extensive surgery to cure them of this disease. The lead physician of the team currently working on the avies was asked what, in particular, about the disease drove them to attack newbies. He responded: "It's psychosomatic. They'll need a lobotomy. I'll get a saw." Physicians claim repeated segmentation violations were the cause of the disease and advise all avies to remain indoors until further notice. Avies that must go outdoors are advised to avoid coordinates X=-3223, Y=2608. Apparently, the three avies in question visited this spot frequently during late hours of the night. Further investigations are currently under way.

Jon Quixote was There.
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