Wednesday, September 07, 2005

In the beginning, There was created. It was an incredibly wondrous day for all parties involved and there was much rejoicing. (yay)

Some time later, countless individuals (including myself) got their first introduction to this wonderful world thanks to a TV show called The Screensavers, hosted on what was then known as TechTV (now referred to as G4TV). During what was only a few brief moments, There was demonstrated to us in all its glory. Well, at least all the glory you could cram into those few brief moments, that is. There was still in public beta so registration was not the simple process it is today. I applied for an account to enter the public beta to begin exploring this awesome new world, and I waited. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. I waited. And waited. I then waited some more. When I could stand to wait no longer, I moved on to other things figuring There would surely e-mail me back in no time at all. Sadly, such is not the case. By the time my acceptance letter finally arrived in the mail, it was several months later and I had completely lost interest.

Significantly more time later, my interest in this online world was rekindled. I don't know how, I don't know why. It just happened. By this time There had emerged from public beta and was available for all to join! Wow! I hopped on the bandwagon, so to speak, and have been addicted ever since. Now by this time, if you don't already know what There is, you may be asking yourself "What on earth is There?!" To put it simply, There is an online virtual world. Some people categorize it as an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). It's an incredible 3D world devoted to having a good time. Need more info?

This Blog is just a place I decided to create on a whim today in order to chronicle my avatar's life in There. I'll be posting all the trouble I get myself into, along with plenty of eye candy beginning with the screenshots I already have archived dating back to the day I joined There. Feel free to add comments as you see fit... Enjoy!

Jon Quixote was There.


Anonymous said...

I too got into There through the Screensavers (curse you, G4!), but my video card sucked so I didn't get in until long after Beta ended.

Jon Quixote said...

Ah, The Screensavers. The good old days.


As a side note, your profile in There says you joined up a mere two months after me.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Was still a long time after I learned of There through the Screensavers. I'd bet on years.