Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A New Buggy?

Emma hosted a Monster Truck event this evening and who should show up, but the creator of the Monster TUV himself: Sonblock. Sonny brought with him a special little something named the ZMW jinXplorer 1. It was very cool! He hinted that it might possibly just maybe never be released to the public, although we know better than to believe Sonny :) Take a look! Click to enlarge:

Eventually, Vash got his hands on the buggy. Just take a look at what he did:

Way to go Vash! He quickly realized that Sonny's new buggy was too much vehicle for him, so he settled on something a bit safer:

Now, Emma had left a spinfinity out at the event to cause a little mayhem. Somebody nudged me over it and, well, I had no idea Monster TUV's could spin like that!

Dolphin and Aveena quickly figured out how to get stuck on the spinfinity also:

Sonny soon gathered everybody outside the zone and summoned us all to Yoshitoshi's There Grand Prix Arena on New Kansas. Wow, that thing is huge!

As a side note, it's also a very good place to get your buggy stuck in the ground:

Jon Quixote was There!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The End is Near!

Repent while you still can, for the end is upon us!

For days now, avies across Theria have been noticing some extremely disturbing signs that the end is finally approaching. Avmans have been crashing left and right leaving avatars stranded without bodies and inventories, hoverboats are falling out of the sky, the water table across the planet is rising, and numerous avies have experienced an unwelcome change in gender! Yeah, you read that right!

System messages have been broadcasted by the staff in attempts to alleviate our fears, however the vague and uncertain undertones in those messages belie the fact that even the staff are completely clueless:

Good Evening, we are experiencing and aware of some technical anomalies. We are working to solve the issues. Go to for more information!

Technical anomalies, they say? This is one heck of an anomaly! Leading Therian scientists have studied the recent phenomena in detail and have uncovered unsettling correlations between current events and those previously reported when a quantum singularity passed in close proximity to the planet. To read about these prior incidents, look here, here, here, here, here, and here.

After much deliberation and several sandwiches thrown across the room, scientists have ascertained that these recent anomalies are not due to one large quantum singularity, but rather are due to countless microsingularities bombarding the planet. Using the latest scientific research and the most expensive sensory equipment currently available, our scientists have triangulated the source of these deadly microsingularities: They originate from a neighboring system called simply "MTV". This system is known to contain one inhabited planet which they call "VLB". Our scientists' absurd love of three-letter abbreviations notwithstanding, these microsingularities pose the most serious risk to There that has been seen since Black Friday!

Reports are flooding in from all sources verifying the microsingularities' deadly nature. When one comes in contact with an avatar, the results are startling to say the least! Orielle and missv were among those afflicted. Both were female avatars prior to their collision with a microsingularity. Images courtesy of Orielle. Click to enlarge:

To read more about these recent gender changes, look at the forum thread here. The staff seem completely confuzzled by the issue, as is reflected in Helper_Hecate's post:
This issue does not seem to be a system wide issue, but something is definitely glitching.

For anyone who has been affected by this issue (I have 7 names down so far) please send email to with "ATTN: Hecate" in the subject line. In the email, include the following information:

1) Was there a teleport involved, ie did you notice this occur when you teleported somewhere? if so
a) Where were you teleporting FROM to the best of your knowledge
b) Where were you teleporting TO to the best of your knowledge
(For both of these, be as precise as possible, including landmarks)
2) If a teleport was not involved, what do you remember seeing happen, under what circumstances did you see your avatar change?

This specifically applies to those whose gender changed from female to male (or from male to female, although I do not know of anyone affected yet in that way). if your skin tone changed but you stayed the same gender, you should be able to use the spa to reset it without difficulty.

ThereCare also reflects similar confusion:
Some Avatars Experiencing "gender bending" 3/17

Due to causes which we are still determining, some avatars may have been reset to the "default pattern", which is a clotheless male avatar. Avatars who were already male to begin with may simply use the spa and Change Me to recover their settings.

Female avatars affected by this problem will revert to male pattern - we are working on a solution, but at the present time we do not believe we have a complete list of all avatars affected.

If you have been affected by this issue, and your female avatar has reverted to default male, and you have not already emailed, we ask that you do so to let us know your avatar name as soon as possible.

-There Customer Support

Another issue that has arisen as a direct result of the microsingularities is being investigated by BluegrassTIGGS. It seems the water table across the planet has risen by almost a meter in some locations! Read more about this here.

Leading Therian scientists also believe that collisions with microsingularities are responsible for the breakages being noticed in some terrain servers. In particular, the Borakai neighborhood on Caldera Island has been severely affected. Reports indicate that trees and houses have completely vanished, leaving nothing but a default texture behind!

The extremely expensive sensory equipment being utilized by the scientists has failed to gather any readings from this area, although the casual observer can quickly point out that the breakages seem to be concentrated in an area just outside of EmmaJean's house--Curious. Investigators are currently engaged in negotiations to obtain a search warrant for Emma's house in order to determine just exactly what goes on under that roof. Read more on this here.

What is to be done? Answers from the staff are scarce and their reassurance is hardly reassuring. Scientists researching the anomalies suggest that we lay low until one of two things happens: Either the whole thing blows over or the whole planet blows up. Some avies have embraced their fate, celebrating with what little time they have left:

Others are spending their final moments with friends and family, reflecting on their brief but glorious existences in There. Whatever happens, rest assured that some things will never change: Newbies will continue asking for money, griefers will continue griefing, lag will continue lagging, and segmentation violations will continue segmenting and violating. We can all take some measure of reassurance from these indisputable facts.

Spread the word! We must prepare ourselves for what lies ahead!

Jon Quixote was There!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hunt for There_Monitor 3/17/07

This week, There_Monitor was captured and marched past some pretty scary groups of people! I'm glad we found and rescued her before it was too late!

I did not know which group would capture me. The Goth and Punks were formidable, but I most feared the Tech Heads. I was blindfolded and forced to stumble uphill. When they removed the blindfold, I found myself in a palm grove overlooking a rocky pass.

Jon Quixote was There!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saja Flotilla

The UoT sponsored a Hoverboat Flotilla over Saja this evening and, while Stungthumbz may have gotten a little confused over a few of the particulars, overall the bits of info he provided along the way made it a very enjoyable flight! I ran with a nearly full boat the entire time, too! Thanks NyteLyte, Mooly, and Ioovius for the company on this trip. Eye candy follows. Click to enlarge:

Jon Quixote was There!

Hunt for There_Monitor 3/10/07

I didn't pick up on this clue right away. I was thinking way out in left field. It took a little... *ehem* help... to get me on the right track.

From the journals of There_Monitor ...

The island chief was a bit timid, but after we got in the air, he truly enjoyed his first flight. He looked down at his domain, laughing as he realized why his islands were called the Seahorse and the Seabiscuit. Unfortunately we were then caught in a downdraft and landed on the Seabiscuit.

Jon Quixote was There!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

That which was lost...

In the forums, our beloved There_Monitor made a post! She wrote:

That which was lost has been found.

(and this time, I don't mean me!)

Now, cg1701 immediately thought "crefit cube?" This must have been a typo. I believe he was speaking of the Credit Cube which, according to rumors, has been stashed away in one of the admin avie's inventories for a very long time now.

Others had their own opinions, some more wacky than others, about what it might have been that There_Monitor was referring to. To read them all, clicky here.

Most notably, Francis_7 realized that:

Back in the beta days I lost a pair of cufflinks. Perhaps There has finally located them!

And Orielle was caught exclaiming:

MY MARBLES!? You finally found my marbles!? I lost those ages ago. I've been looking high and low for those. Where were they? Were any of them cracked?

But what was it really? As of yet, we have no confirmation from There_Monitor on any one of the ideas brought forth in the thread. However, it is quite a remarkable coincidence that the Credit Cube has miraculously appeared on Tyr not too long after There_Monitor made her announcement! It mentions such notable names as: Clare Tuma, Ken Duda, Fernando Paiz, Kate Paiz, Bruce Benda, Ruth Zona, Jeffrey Ventrella, Stacey Artandi, Mike Wilson, and Karuna Bhavnani. It also imparts upon us such wisdom as: "Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray", "Blue cement is l33t", and "The difference between crazy and insane is profit". Eye candy follows, click to enlarge!

Now, the word is that people started spamming the Cube with advertisements of all sorts. So, a very kind one Nigel Blackthorne dropped a paz around the Cube so he could remove foreign objects and protect it. Then, he promptly stuck his own advertisement right on top of the cube.

Oh well, can't have it all I suppose. In any case, I'm glad somebody out There finally decided to place the Cube in world again! Thanks to whoever did it!

Jon Quixote was There!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Holy! Weather! Eye Candy! Click! Enlarge! Now!!

Where am I? OpenGL? Rain?! What! Arg!

Okay, once the initial shock had passed and I could once again form complete thoughts and sentences, I restarted in DirectX mode, took out my paz, and began playing with the various weather settings now under my explicit control!

The snow setting:

The dawn setting:

The dusk setting:

The night setting:

The slush setting (I might have made this up):

Thunderstorms too! I didn't have enough time to capture the lightning, sorry :(

I'm reeeeech!! Meeeeelions of teebux!! Muahahaha!

Jon Quixote was There!