Metaphysical discourse between two anthropomorphic bicarbonate vessels on the topic of discarnate substrata in There
So I said to netrider6: "Hey net, did you ever stop to think about the pataphysical implications of the rapid linear motions of an incorporeal elastic form about an equilibrium position while its perturbed mass of bubbles of air in a matrix of liquid film precipitate towards a spitbox?"
The look on net's face at that moment defies all explanation. I reproduce it for you here, in all its frothy glory. Click to enlarge:
Just as he was about to respond, a peculiar atmospheric phenomenon passed by in our immediate vicinity resulting in the most absurd personification of a flaming banana and a root burp. In retrospect, the anomaly bears a striking resemblance to those mentioned here, here, here, here, and here.
The look on net's face at that moment defies all explanation. I reproduce it for you here, in all its frothy glory. Click to enlarge:

Just as he was about to respond, a peculiar atmospheric phenomenon passed by in our immediate vicinity resulting in the most absurd personification of a flaming banana and a root burp. In retrospect, the anomaly bears a striking resemblance to those mentioned here, here, here, here, and here.
Such were the results:

From that point, it didn't take long at all for the situation to deteriorate into... well, just take a look for yourself:

As the atmospheric phenomenon responsible for all this nonsense finally began to disperse, an electromagnetic wave, which must have been riding the tail end of the phenomenon, suddenly and without warning smashed into us causing what was perhaps the most interesti-

Jon Quixote was There!
'clap. What does that first line actually mean?
-Signed, totally an internet celebrity now.
The title? It's.. well, it's.. actually, it's more like a.. but kind of.. hm. Ok. Basically, it means two drinks have a very strange conversation.
As for the first line of the post, it means something to the effect of... well... would you believe... spittle flying through the air into a spitoon?
Did you watch the video? I imagine it must take forever and a day to download on dialup.
Hooray for being internet celebrities!!
I decided against it. I was there, after all... :P
What, after all the hours I put into that video? I mean.. casting alone took forever! Not every drink has what it takes you know! The musical score had to be written special to fit the action sequences. Stunt doubles were hired, and hours and hours of film were recorded just trying to get that perfect shot!! The least you could do is watch it once!
Well, I might pick up the DVD if it gets good reviews.
Who played that Root Burp?
Brad Pitt was cast as the Root Burp. Johnny Depp as the Flaming Banana. Julia Roberts played the afk girl in the background. It was directed by Leonard Nimoy, and has already hit the charts as the number one DVD of the month!
Who played that wonderfully stoic torch, outcast among the drinks for his lack of sip-ability?
Ben Affleck.
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