Monday, November 13, 2006

New Evidence Surfaces About the Blue Concrete

Yielding to the demands of a large portion of members loosely associated with the There Preservation Group, the staff have begun to release previously classified documents from beta, some of which have shed light on the circumstances surrounding the creation of our massive ocean of blue concrete.

According to portions of certain declassified documents, it would appear Justin and I were on the right track with our Theregen theory which is recorded in this entry. Previous theories about the blue concrete typically surround a giant drain which lies mysteriously unplugged out in the middle of the ocean. Although such theories may explain the absence of any water on Theria, each fails miserably to explain the presence of the blue concrete. In our ramblings, however, Justin and I stumbled upon a theory which adequately explains both the disappearance of the water existing in the beta days as well as the formation of the blue concrete we are so acquainted with at present.

One evening back in February of this year, while pondering about Mr. Blinky's need for the bottles of SPF 10,000 I so frequently leave him, I came to believe that planet Theria had little ozone left in its atmosphere as a direct result of all the vehicle emissions and, therefore, provided insufficient protection for Mr. Blinky's fair skin. To this, Justin commented that we actually do not know what fuel our buggies burn and, therefore, what kind of emissions are given off. Do they burn a fossil fuel? Could they possibly use a Thereite byproduct? Justin speculated on the possibility of developing an energy-efficient means of utilizing the Theregen molecule to produce a low-emissions vehicle. We then wondered if this had already been done. It is possible, we surmised, that all the Theregen could have been extracted from There's oceans for use as buggy fuel. This certainly would have accounted for the blue concrete. This theory of ours is confirmed in the now declassified portions of the following memo:



FROM: Vash

TO: Samsyn

SUBJECT: On the theoretical extraction of the Theregen molecule (___) from our oceans to produce a more energy-efficient buggy fuel to alleviate the growing concerns of our beta testers.

Samsyn, I was up all night puzzling over the recent issue brought up in the beta forums regarding the pollution that the current set of test buggies produces. I think you were on the right track with the ___ molecule. We could potentially extract it from ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ _____ _ ____, as _______ suggested, but I believe that would be extremely costly and _____ would, no doubt, throw a fit. Where else might we find such an abundant source of Theregen? It hit me like a brick: The oceans, Samsyn, the oceans!! I ran it by a chemical engineer friend of mine, ___ ______ over at _____ Industries, and he estimated that, given the chemical makeup of our water and the unique bonding behavior of Theregen, we could extract 87.2% of the molecule in its natural state. The remaining molecules would coalesce into an extremely dense bluish hued substance. _____ ____ ______ _____ __ ___ __________ ___ _____ __ ____ _______ ____ _____ __ _______ ________ ____. Even so, we would 'kill two birds with one stone', so to speak. Recall the numerous reports from members who wadded out a bit too far into the water? On the downside, according to ___ ______, we would invariably have to restore what Theregen we remove from the oceans to prevent


At the time, we hardly realized the implications of that fleeting discussion between Justin and I. Oh, if only Mr. Blinky had communicated this to us! A mere wink, a nod, a chicken dance, anything to signal the importance of our discovery! Surely Mr. Blinky keeps countless secrets from those dark days before public beta! But alas, he remained motionless as ever, longingly staring out into the vast blue yonder.

The remainder of the memo references another extremely cryptic document with regards to a restoration process currently underway. From what little we can understand of this document, the restoration of the removed Theregen molecules is vital to the stability of the planet's ecosystem and efforts to that end have only recently proved successful. It would seem Theria is now in immediate danger and the staff members are working overtime with a group of chemical engineers on a process for reintegrating most of the extracted Theregen and restoring our oceans to their previous state.

Still other declassified memos have us completely baffled. We are working around the clock decrypting them and are confident we will be able to ascertain their meaning before long.



FROM: Vash

TO: Samsyn

SUBJECT: To remember is to persevere.

'cluck 'cluck 'cluck


There are still hundreds of these declassified documents which have yet to see the light of day! Sifting through them is a tall order for any man, but the search for truth must continue for the sake of avies all across Theria.

Jon Quixote was There!


Anonymous said...

Would you like to see my chicken drawing?

( o)>
-| //
/\ /\

Anonymous said...

awe shoot.... that was supposed to work. Oh well that was supposed to be my chicken for you all to see

Jon Quixote said...

Yeah blogger removes all those extra spaces unfortunately :(

But I can still see the chicken. I'm not sure how the neck is supposed to be though.. I can't seem to make it fit in my mind.