My avie was born into There on November 30th, 2004. That makes me nearly two years old now! I figure it's about time for a look back at all the good times passed. It'd be impossible to get all 1,298 screenshots to date up here, I'm probably pushing my storage limit as it is, so here's some, ok a lot, of my fondest memories. If you're on dialup, don't even bother. This post will likely fry your computer. Otherise, enjoy! And as always, click to enlarge.

Ain't I a beaut! So new and full of excitement over this new-found world.

My first freestyle hoverboard. Transportation would never be the same.

My first There-buddy, JoAnn. She picked me up the moment I set foot on Therian soil and started showing me the sights! Don't ask what we're doing here, I haven't a clue.

My dog, Rocket. He actually followed me way up there! He's such an obedient dog.

Who says avies don't feel pain!

Oh, how I miss my treehouse.

Vroom vroom! Fastest stroller in There!

Woah! There go my pants!

The crew on one of many Massive Hoverboat Flotillas. MJ, Buff_God, MustangGirl, and myself.

The first time I ever emptied a drink. Boy, was that a surprise!

The very first time I met g0d!

Me n' ol' Roy goofin' around.

No panic zone.

Can you guess who that is? Need a hint? Does the DOID number look familiar?

The mother of all glitches?

MJ's house on Frosty. There were two things we did here. The first was drop our entire inventories to see how much stuff we could cram into a confined area.

The second was... you guessed it, paintball, with varying results.

Justin and I flinging ourselves over the tops of small islands at eye-watering speeds off the coast of New Kansas.

More good times with Justin. He went afk for a while and, well, I got bored.

Engaged in some highly illegal and extremely shady dog riding exercises with Art_Stone and Justin.

Party time at JoAnn's!

Tellis. I didn't realize it then, but this was the beginning of my quest to join the Big Eights Elite.

A burping contest! The things people do for fame and fortune.

The endless chit-chat. Dihtri, Justin and I somehow ended up crawling into a complete stranger's bed and chatting it up straight into the wee hours of the morning. How did we get on the topic of werewolves again?

You know you love 'em.

One of many, many, many, many, oh so many events in the Winter 2006 There Games. Green team won! '''exhausted.

My first introduction to the joys of chicken griefing Elaur.

The night it all began. Shame on you, qgon, for planting such an evil idea in my head!

They quickly multiplied and marched straight through Karuna Plaza! Huzzah!

I pretended to be clueless, but there was no hiding my guilt! Sorry, net.

I was chewed out by Helper_Julian after doing this to Mackie's clubhouse. It was then I was faced with bannage unless I parted with my dearly beloved YahoOoligans.

What, you didn't expect me to part with
all of them, did you? Elaur instructs Justin and I in the finer points of afking at Karuna Plaza.

Gasp! Karuna Plaza is
empty! Not a nametag in sight anywhere! I never thought I'd live to see the day! They have all migrated over to the new Zona Island, it would seem.

Just relaxing with an old friend, reflecting on all the things that have kept me returning after nearly two years.
It has definately been a memorable two years. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. The best part about it all is the company you keep - the friends you make. Even when you go MIA for months on end, when you finally return, there they are to greet you and welcome you back. After all we've been through, we're none the worse for wear. There offers opportunities like no other community, virtual or real, and I am fortunate to be a part of it. Here's to another memorable two years!
Yay good times <3
Come see me on Im Being <3 <3
? mr ?
ok don't spend time going to that link (it's probably an internet scam)
excellent blog Jon, I remember all the fun good old days :D
Actually Mister Anonymous up there was MJ. She plays some stick figure game and wants me to try it out so I told her to post the link here so I don't forget it.
But yeah :D Good times!! Nice to hear from you again Justin!
Has it really been 2 years? damn man we're getting old. Lots of memories... Nothing beats the boarding tho, try as I might nothing else will beat a good night of racing or a great night of freestyling.
Stay Frosty,
and that aka was supposed to say, the greatest rated boarder in game but yeah I forgot to type that rofl
Stay Frosty!
lol greatest boarder.. pfsh. We'll just see what my paintgun has to say about that!
But yeah, boarding... good times man. I need to get some more freestyle events going huh?
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