Hunt for There_Monitor 1/19/08
I had been dwelling on this clue all weekend. What could it mean? A bubble? I was as confused as a newborn baby. In an attempt to clear my head, I went for a short cruise. I hopped in my buggy and off I went, up to my bumper in our ocean's crystal clear water. I was following a shoreline south when, like a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick, it hit me square in the face. Suddenly, everything made perfect sense! As all the clues fell into place, I popped the e-brake, spun that little buggy of mine around, and shot off to find There_Monitor!

As you can see, There_Monitor still wears that Adventure Quest t-shirt instead of the Big Eights shirt she has worn most of her life prior. I suppose change is inevitable. Nevertheless, she will always remain an icon of Big Eights for those of us who remember.
From the journal of There_Monitor....
Water, water, everywhere, and not a drop to drink. I was soooooooo thirsty. And I felt totally trapped on my small round island. Other islands were nearby but I could not manage the sea between myself and the next spot of land. I began to see the mirage of a cold drink in the distance, but I didn't need a mirage. I needed THE REAL THING! Miraculously a balloon landed by me. My rescuer laughed at my thirst. "You are so close to refreshment," he said. "I could see it clearly from the air. You are perched on a bubble!"

As you can see, There_Monitor still wears that Adventure Quest t-shirt instead of the Big Eights shirt she has worn most of her life prior. I suppose change is inevitable. Nevertheless, she will always remain an icon of Big Eights for those of us who remember.
Jon Quixote was There!
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