Foul Play
Due to his lack of Internet at home, Net found himself in need of a middle man who could access his account and give a couple gifts to a friend for his birthday. Net has entrusted me with this task.
Honest, I had every intention of leaving his account completely untouched, but then there was that nagging voice in my head telling me to be naughty.

AppleBees even made a contribution to the insanity. But I couldn't stop there. I added a few small items to his inventory and then decided to set up a little experiment. I wanted to find out precisely how long an avatar could survive without air. Based on my results so far, things are not looking good for Net's avatar. Net had better get his Internet back real soon.

...he really shouldn't have.
Honest, I had every intention of leaving his account completely untouched, but then there was that nagging voice in my head telling me to be naughty.
As usual, goodness hardly put up a fight.

AppleBees even made a contribution to the insanity. But I couldn't stop there. I added a few small items to his inventory and then decided to set up a little experiment. I wanted to find out precisely how long an avatar could survive without air. Based on my results so far, things are not looking good for Net's avatar. Net had better get his Internet back real soon.

Awww, wookit dah cute widdle netwidah! Ain't he purdy?

Jon Quixote was There!
That's the last time I ask you for a favor!
Well, transferring my Secret Santa gifts later this month but that's it, I swear!
lol I think the only strange one here is you, jon_quixote, or jon, if that's your real name. You feel like you need to go around ruining everybody's avatar, putting them down to make you feel better.... But feel better about what? Maybe that your a coward with a lot of surpressed anger, and that the only way you can make others think that you're not a coward is by putting them down and making them feel sad.
Well Jon, you have succeeded. I feel sad...for you...
If anybody has got a problem or anything that they want to talk about, call Teen Line.
1-800-TLC-TEEN in Canada
(310)855-HOPE in the whole U.S.
It's totally confidential and free, (except if you halfta pay the long distance fee. However, if you ask them to, they will call you so then they pay for the call and not you...that way it won't appear on the phone bill for mom and dad to see!)
Well, Justin, you've caught me red-handed. But what happens if you're well passed your teen years? Do you still qualify for that teen help line?
did you know that if an ant could make sound it would probably make a sound that sounds like this (hey that's almost a tougue twister):
*ant* *ant* *ant* - ants are pretty cool doodman!
can't you just imagine it?
jon is not a simpleton, he is a muhahahahaha, k?
and by the way catching jon like he's red handed is fun like gooda cheese, k?
yes catching jon IS fun!! (there is no point to this reply! woo hoo)...... I think I'm going to go to bed
Now that is the kind of gibberish I expect from someone at 4am in the middle of an all-nighter. But at 9:30 in the evening? Unless you didn't sleep at all the night before, then maybe it's excusable.
Gibberish, I say, gibberish!
Jon_Quixote said:
Oh ya I know... I just like to talk about gibberish and staying up all night and infinitum.
Just remember.... if we don't talk about someting else you can't compain about it (my usual response when someone tells me to quit whining)
I say:
I agree with you Jon, if I don't talk about something else, no one can complain about it.
PS. I take sleepy medication at 10:00 at night already of course you know that already JON! (which is 11:00 your time) Mr Ant lover.
Oooh right right. 'snapfingers I remember now!
"If we don't talk about something else you can't complain about it."
I'm going to have to remember that one!
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