T0ast in the Machine
Why does everyone keep inquiring about t0ast in the machine? What's the sudden fascination with t0ast?! I'm told it's the most popular thing to hit the streets of There since sliced bread. People, it is sliced bread! Come on now, I mean, it's just a breakfast food! Please, I beg you, stop asking me about t0ast in the machine!! I'm clueless here, honest!

...I prefer biscuits anyway.

Jon Quixote was There!
Also there's a secret user for linux called jon_quixote, all you need to do is type su- to be a super user, then jq- for jon_quixote user, then you can use your computer for alot more functions.... for example, you can put a piece of bread in your CDRom drive then type a command that turns up the power of the laser in your CDRom drive so that you can have a piece of toast.. if you have water cooling, you can put chocolate milk (or coffee) in it and type something which turns up the CPU heat so you can have a hot cup of chocolate (or coffee). And when it's really cold outside or your freezing, you can type a command that disables the cooling on your computer so it catches on fire and you can stay warm
and I think the toast part explains the toast in the machine carnivorously
ur po0pular jonny-boy they just can't keep away. Who doesn't like t0ast?!?!.
Wow, I'll have to remember that jq- command to log into my Red Hat machine and laser me some t0ast.
One question, though: What if I want to make a real breakfast out of it. How would I cook, say, scrambled eggs? And where's my orange juice?
And just who is this yahoOo person, I wonder? 'Hm. Well, all I know is this person had better keep their hands off my t0ast!
And that goes for the rest of you, too! It's my t0ast, you hear me? Get back or I'll burn it and then nobody will have any t0ast!
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