Hunt for There_Monitor 9/22/07
Oh no! There_Monitor has misplaced her Big Eights t-shirt! Who would steal such a priceless possession right off of her back like that! At least she was left with a replacement shirt so she's not running around out there in her skivvies. While it's not half as unique, nor does it come packaged with half the history of her prior shirt, she still wears it with the same nonchalance she's always worn--Same old There_Monitor.
But who knows, maybe she simply decided it was time to wash that smelly old t-shirt of hers.
From the journal of There_Monitor...
Even in the night, I could easily see my surroundings. From my mountain top I could make out the glow of a village to the north, and to the east the moonlight cast its glow on some plants below. ... Or did they have a glow of their own?
Jon Quixote was There!
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