Friday, June 29, 2007

Windmills, Part I

Why windmills, you may ask?
I don't know, I just think they're cool.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Jon Quixote was There!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I never saw the intricate details in that fourth one before.

I hope you kept a fav up on that seventh, heh.

I like how the Saja windmill seems to be barely held together with some planks, lol.

There's a Part 2?

I'm glad you like windmills, 'cause I've been planning on getting you a windmill and a jousting horse bike for youe birthday/avvieversary ever since I first realized your horrible pun of a name :P

Jon Quixote said...



I know not of what you speak.

And as for a part two, well, that all depends on designers now doesn't it. I figure eventually there will be some new windmills for me to photograph.

It is, as they say, inevitable.

And, just so you know, it's that other guy who fights windmills thinking they're dragons. I'm the other way around.

But don't tell my psychiatrist I said that.

Anonymous said...

You fight dragons thinking they are windmills?

What do you have against windmills?

To accomplish this, do you go to all the places on the map that say Here there be dragons.?

Jon Quixote said...



Well just reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, why don't you!

Now, regarding those windmills, I do recall writing that:
"I just think they're cool."

And as far as the dragons go, I have only this to say: Hab SoSlI' Quch!!


You didn't get that one did you! That's because it's Klingon!!

Anonymous said...

Neutron flow? Kligons?

Great. You single-handedly raised the average geek rating of the conversation and the level of semi-obscure references.

Now I've got to go through the whole thing, fill out a form, go through all this red tape or I'll get a citation for sci-fi references in a metaverse blog comment space.

.....just great, Jon.

Just great.