December 1st, 2004
On this day I became a full blown member of the There community! Yay for me! That's me on the right.
Ain't I purdy?
Well, over time my look changed a bit. I bought new clothes, bought more "stuff"... you know. I think that's a bit better now, don't you?I began exploring the massive Therian world and wouldn't ya know it, I chose something called the hoverboard to begin my exploration. So I step on this thing and... woah! It floats! And that was the beginning of a beauuuutiful friendship :)
I made friends. I met this really nice head in the ground and we talked and talked and talked about nothing in particular. Boy if she wasn't the nicest head stuck in the ground I'd ever met. That head actually belongs to a body known all together as JoAnn. She was my mentor and my guide when I first joined, and became my first friend in There.

Now there are times when you feel like you're way up in the clouds.
There are times when you're face down in the mud.
There are times when the world around you seems a bit more peculiar than usual.
And there are times when things just aren't going your way.
It's at times like these that you just need to kick back with a good friend...
And forget you ever saw any of it.
Jon Quixote was There.
I wish I still had screenshots (or even had the presence of mind to take screenshots) back when I started.
Of course, that was three or four computer crash and burns ago.
The oldest screenshot Ic an remember is me, clad in the green try-it hoody, surrounded by dogs way up on Quarks Bar.
I'm a bit of a pack rat, I suppose. I've somehow managed to preserve almost all of the data ever collected on my drives since my very first computer--and I have gone through many hard drives, believe you me--including one very awesome DOS game called "VETTE!", for which I never actually had the install disks; we must have borrowed them from an uncle.
I'm a pack rat, as well. Just bad at surviving a computer apocalypse or two.
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