April 1st, 2005. April fools day. It was a day that will live in infamy. There pulled some great pranks on this day. For starters, just look at what they did to our profiles! All our skill ranks had been replaced with a Star Wars theme! Avid became wookie, expert turned into padawan, renowned was changed to rogue, and legendary... jedi! Casual was changed too but it escapes me at the moment. Also, everyone's funpass was changed, though they all referred to a picture that didn't exist. Mine became:
Others became "Julianistic", or "Mackerific", or one of the other two that also escapes me at the moment. "Vash-like" was the replacement for the Platinum funpass. Doing some digging in the profile's XML code, we found that after "Vash-like" came "Stevity", where normally it says "Staff". A level that no one has yet to attain.
As if that weren't enough, There went and turned off the lights in Karuna, turned on the lights in Tyr, and painted a nice sunset in the sky over Frosty Wonderland. See the screenshots below! Karuna Plaza looks absolutely AMAZING in nighttime!!
MustangGirl and I found ourselves caught in some inexplicable phenomenon two days after April Fools. Was it just an innocent little glitch? Or was there a connection between the two events? We were driving in my Dirt Devil TUV across a bridge on Ootay when suddenly... POOF! It happened. I was the first to go. I got caught in what you see down in the screenshot. It happens to be one of those boards you stick your head through the hole and it makes a nice little photo (see the following screenshot for what it SHOULD look like). However, there was no board! We were just floating there, both of us. Yet Mustang was still on the bridge from her perspective. She summoned me back and things got even more out of hand. I don't quite remember how we finally broke out of that chinese finger trap...

Mister Blinky. Mister Blinky Mister Blinky... He blinks. Every object in There has a unique identification number associated with it, called a DOID. Mister Blinky's DOID number is 108891507. Incidentally, that's also his name. We just call him Mister Blinky because it's so much easier to remember. Mister Blinky used to hang out on the edge of the island below Saja. Then some people figured out how to move him with a PAZ trick and he gets to see the world now! It doesn't seem to have cheered him up any though. :( Poor Mister Blinky... He stopped blinking for a short time during May, 2005. I guess he was just seeing what it felt like to not blink.
On April 20th, I heard rumors of a house with transparent walls in Tyr so I went to investigate. It turned out to be true! There was a house with a red spider marking it as broken and the walls were transparent from the outside looking in! There were other spiders scattered across There at this point; several signs turned to spiders after an update which broke a handful of objects in There.

Jon Quixote was There.
Bit of trivia and dualism for you, I wrote an article for Life in There about the Jedi skills thing.
If I remember, if was written in a shock, sensationalist style, speaking of how our skills had been "horribly altered".
I bet you could find it on the LIT site, if you tried.
A quick date query reveals your article:
And, based on your profile's screenshot in that article, it would appear that the Casual skill was switched to "R2". I couldn't remember that when I wrote this blog entry.
Man, I hate those eyebrows. I wore them for a few days before I realized they sucked.
I like that shirt, though. Wore it for quite a while.
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