More Disconnected Thoughts
For previous irrationally detached, disjointed, incohesive, or otherwise incoherent thoughts see:
Disconnected Thoughts

It takes a bit of practice, but once you get your feet wet you'll soon master such techniques as:

Look out! Psycho soccer mom in an SUV is late for her hair appointment!

It's a robot. You know, like a super advanced robot. It's probably Japanese. Yeah, it's definitely Japanese.

Today in the news: Second Life has issued one brand new ultra-high-end computer to each resident in order to ensure that bare minimum hardware requirements are met for a somewhat pleasing gaming experience. Between all the quad graphics cards, octa-core processors, and more memory than the combined capacity of every human brain (living and dead), all those computers require so much power that Second Life has opened up its very own nuclear power plant and has begun dumping its toxic waste into There's oceans.

Almost eighty percent of Therian mushrooms you come across in the wild are highly poisonous. The other twenty percent just totally %$#@! with your mind.

Your timelimit has been reached. Thank you for playing There! Take care now, bye-bye then.

Disconnected Thoughts
Is this proper table etiquette?

It takes a bit of practice, but once you get your feet wet you'll soon master such techniques as:
The backstroke

The Front Crawl

and Dead Man's Float

Or you can take a stab at the inverted dog paddle.

Look out! Psycho soccer mom in an SUV is late for her hair appointment!

It's a robot. You know, like a super advanced robot. It's probably Japanese. Yeah, it's definitely Japanese.
Hey, uh, this thing has airbags, right?

Baker baker, one-four-niner, we've lost contact with Jon Quixote. Please advise Houston, over.chhk

Today in the news: Second Life has issued one brand new ultra-high-end computer to each resident in order to ensure that bare minimum hardware requirements are met for a somewhat pleasing gaming experience. Between all the quad graphics cards, octa-core processors, and more memory than the combined capacity of every human brain (living and dead), all those computers require so much power that Second Life has opened up its very own nuclear power plant and has begun dumping its toxic waste into There's oceans.
Do not eat the fish.

Almost eighty percent of Therian mushrooms you come across in the wild are highly poisonous. The other twenty percent just totally %$#@! with your mind.

Your timelimit has been reached. Thank you for playing There! Take care now, bye-bye then.

...There are no fish in this pond, are there.

Jon Quixote was There!
Oh, you forgot to include all the tv show characters that came to rescue us when we fell off the shear cliff (Picture): astroboy, heman, bob, the gummi bears, samurai pizza cats, goku, uncle scrooge, collosus, spectrum, bionic 6, bucky o hare, the thundercats, voltron, gi joe, andrew clements, and one more who couldn't make it, Kwai Chang Kane
In case you forgot about all those rad shows, here they are:
Astroboy, Heman, Reboot, Gummi Bears, Samurai Pizza Cats, Dragonball Z, Ducktales, X-Men, Mask, Bionic 6, Bucky O Hare, Thundercats, Voltron, GI Joe, My Secret Identity, Kung Fu: the Legend Continues
Oh no! I was sure I included them! How could I have forgotten?!
You see, we had gotten a little overconfident in our buggy's tire traction I think. We began to climb an unscalable peak and, just when I thought we were about to make it, the rear left tire gave way! Soon to follow were the rear right tire, the front right tire, and finally the front left tire, along with all the chickens in the cargo hold. We tumbled helplessly to our doom!
If not for the quick action taken by those heroes, especially Kwai Chang Kane, we would have been goners!
There are no screenshots of them saving us, however, because both Justin and I were knocked unconscious as soon as we hit rock bottom.
I realize this casts a deep shadow on the credibility of our story, but believe you me, it happened! Honest and truly! Isn't that right, Justin?
yeah I'm quite certain.. my pictures never lie. Guess what they're making a movie of.... ASTROBOY! :D That was my favourite cartoon growing up by a long way. Oh I can't wait, I only have to wait till 2009, maybe I can freeze myself until then. Oh, and they're making a live action movie of Dragonball Z then too
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