'Tis the season to be creepy
It's never too early! Honeycupps set out a wonderfully horrific paz near Caprica City, New Kansas last night. She was kind enough to give me the grand tour before locking me up in the foggy basement, saving me for dinner.
Teleport link: Honeycupps Halloween Haunt
The house you see within the paz is, according to honeycupps, a rare one by carcus called "THE HOUSE" with only eight copies in-world. Allow me to have your imaginations for a moment and I will do my best to show you the unnatural scenes honeycupps has created.
Upon entering the paz, you are greeted by a spooky graveyard haunted by newbies who never matured into members and the corpsified remains of Therians that were. Chills begin to run down the length your spine. You tiptoe through this field of horrors, careful not to disturb any of the graves. You see a gate in the distance leading to a stairway which disappears upwards into total blackness. Against your better judgment, you proceed towards the gate. A cloaked figure blocks your path. As you approach... AHH! Did it get you?
You continue past the gate, up the stairs and you are engulfed in darkness. You're walking blind. A house begins to appear through the thick blackness around you. It is not a welcoming sight by any means; the exterior walls are rotted and discolored. As you walk through the door, the fog from outside seems to follow you in. You panic, and dodge into one of the nearby rooms. AAH! Watch out! Are you still with me here?

You head for high ground, figuring perhaps it is safer up there, but you're gravely mistaken. Evil figures surround you every corner you take. They haunt you, they chase you, laughing, taunting. You scramble back down the stairs, looking for an exit. Watch out for...! You trip and stumble down into the basement. The door locks behind you. You stand up, dusting yourself off, and for a moment the darkness is somehow calm, soothing. But this is the last place you want to be. The fog soon seeps through the cracks in the door and chases you further into the black. There's no escape, no room to run. You're cornered; trapped. Something grabs you! You're thrown into a cage and locked up like a lab rat! You panic and scream for help! You search the darkness for the figure which caged you. Through the thick fog you see red. Blood red! It's... it's...!
Teleport link: Honeycupps Halloween Haunt
The house you see within the paz is, according to honeycupps, a rare one by carcus called "THE HOUSE" with only eight copies in-world. Allow me to have your imaginations for a moment and I will do my best to show you the unnatural scenes honeycupps has created.

Jon Quixote was There.
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