Saja Flotilla
The UoT sponsored a Hoverboat Flotilla over Saja this evening and, while Stungthumbz may have gotten a little confused over a few of the particulars, overall the bits of info he provided along the way made it a very enjoyable flight! I ran with a nearly full boat the entire time, too! Thanks NyteLyte, Mooly, and Ioovius for the company on this trip. Eye candy follows. Click to enlarge:

Jon Quixote was There!
Thank you Jon for your report on the Saja Flotilla. The pictures are great!
Thank you for hosting the Flotilla, Nema! I've never been on a Flotilla in Saja before. I must admit I was worried there wasn't going to be enough sights to see, but you and Stung sure pulled it off. I had a blast!
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