Sunday, March 11, 2007

Saja Flotilla

The UoT sponsored a Hoverboat Flotilla over Saja this evening and, while Stungthumbz may have gotten a little confused over a few of the particulars, overall the bits of info he provided along the way made it a very enjoyable flight! I ran with a nearly full boat the entire time, too! Thanks NyteLyte, Mooly, and Ioovius for the company on this trip. Eye candy follows. Click to enlarge:

Jon Quixote was There!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jon for your report on the Saja Flotilla. The pictures are great!

Jon Quixote said...

Thank you for hosting the Flotilla, Nema! I've never been on a Flotilla in Saja before. I must admit I was worried there wasn't going to be enough sights to see, but you and Stung sure pulled it off. I had a blast!