Before the open house of the new Welcome Walkway ends, I think a self-guided tour of the new docks is in order. Grab your cameras and fanny packs but, please, don't feed the wildlife.

When a newbie or, in this case, a hapless tourist lands at this isolated dock, they are greeted by a nifty little tutorial which is intended to guide the poor brainless sod through his or her paces, imparting various bits of wisdom along the way. I couldn't help but notice, however, the lack of any signage carrying the cautionary wisdom: "NO BEGGING!!". I've heard they're still refining the docks, though, so perhaps it will be included in a future revision.

They really pulled out all the stops for our precious newbies on the new dock. Even the captain of the nearby luxury cruise ship, the S.S. Skippy, is on call waiting to greet every new potential griefer!

Appropriately themed spas have also been conveniently located a mere stone's throw from where we landed. These spas were undoubtedly placed here to allow newbies to make the much-needed trimmings to their eyebrows, among various other bodily enhancements which, I'm sure, accurately reflect the physique of their operators out in the Real.

The spas also provide a nice comfy couch for our newbie friends to explore the curious magnetics which infallibly attract the lips of two avies-in-orange when they are seated in close proximity to one another. I sure wish they'd do something about that penetratingly loud noise though.

The dock is also home to a couple of stylized private boats which successfully kidnap Jules Verne and smoosh him beneath the bow of a yacht before inflating him with feelium and roasting him beneath the Delorean-style hoverjets freshly installed on a Southern riverboat. Gruesome, I know, but that's what happens when you feed the local wildlife when you were expressly cautioned not to do so.

The final treasure these docks have to offer is a lovely set of miniatures, adeptly sculpted to match a few of the various scenic landmarks our precious planet has to offer. And aren't they just the cutest little toys you've ever seen?

While it's still open to visitors, you can tour the Welcome Walkway here. Make with the clicking, but steer clear of the locals!

When a newbie or, in this case, a hapless tourist lands at this isolated dock, they are greeted by a nifty little tutorial which is intended to guide the poor brainless sod through his or her paces, imparting various bits of wisdom along the way. I couldn't help but notice, however, the lack of any signage carrying the cautionary wisdom: "NO BEGGING!!". I've heard they're still refining the docks, though, so perhaps it will be included in a future revision.

They really pulled out all the stops for our precious newbies on the new dock. Even the captain of the nearby luxury cruise ship, the S.S. Skippy, is on call waiting to greet every new potential griefer!

Appropriately themed spas have also been conveniently located a mere stone's throw from where we landed. These spas were undoubtedly placed here to allow newbies to make the much-needed trimmings to their eyebrows, among various other bodily enhancements which, I'm sure, accurately reflect the physique of their operators out in the Real.

The spas also provide a nice comfy couch for our newbie friends to explore the curious magnetics which infallibly attract the lips of two avies-in-orange when they are seated in close proximity to one another. I sure wish they'd do something about that penetratingly loud noise though.

The dock is also home to a couple of stylized private boats which successfully kidnap Jules Verne and smoosh him beneath the bow of a yacht before inflating him with feelium and roasting him beneath the Delorean-style hoverjets freshly installed on a Southern riverboat. Gruesome, I know, but that's what happens when you feed the local wildlife when you were expressly cautioned not to do so.

The final treasure these docks have to offer is a lovely set of miniatures, adeptly sculpted to match a few of the various scenic landmarks our precious planet has to offer. And aren't they just the cutest little toys you've ever seen?

While it's still open to visitors, you can tour the Welcome Walkway here. Make with the clicking, but steer clear of the locals!

Jon Quixote was There!