Morocco City
The desert is an unforgiving environment. It provides little for its inhabitants but endless oceans of sand. The heat, the brutal heat!
The sun was beating down on me like a Louisville Slugger. It was becoming unbearable! I've driven these dunes countless times before, and I knew them well. I wasn't going to last much longer without water. I knew my chances of survival were slim at best and I was making peace with my fate when I saw some buzzards circling in the distance. I drove towards them. There may be water! As I approached, I began to see objects in the distance. What is this? A mirage? It appeared to be a city! But when did it get there? I've never seen it before!
The doubt in my mind was overwhelming. My life began to flash before my eyes, and I believed the end was near. The heat was finally driving me mad, I had lost all hope. Right up until the point where I drove my TUV through one of the city walls, that is. It was real! I was saved!
After quenching my thirst, I decided to take a stroll around the city that had saved my life. I discovered it was named Morocco City and was built fairly recently by a small group of people looking to make a home in this otherwise lifeless desert. And dare I say they have succeeded! What a wonderful sight the city is! Keep sharp, plenty of eye candy follows! As always, click to enlarge:

What a gorgeous city! It is absolutely huge! To appreciate the scale of it, you really have to visit the city yourself. It is situated just east of Mirage on Caldera Island. Morocco City definitely adds character to this world of ours. I have not seen a community of pazes this large in a very long time. What is even more amazing is that the construction actually suits the surroundings! There are no flashing disco lights or obscenely large space needles. As you walk the streets of this city, it really does feel like Morocco! I hope it remains There a long while!

What a gorgeous city! It is absolutely huge! To appreciate the scale of it, you really have to visit the city yourself. It is situated just east of Mirage on Caldera Island. Morocco City definitely adds character to this world of ours. I have not seen a community of pazes this large in a very long time. What is even more amazing is that the construction actually suits the surroundings! There are no flashing disco lights or obscenely large space needles. As you walk the streets of this city, it really does feel like Morocco! I hope it remains There a long while!

Jon Quixote was There!