Sweet Relief...
After all his many travels, across two continents and an expanse of blue concrete vast enough to put anyone's sanity to the ultimate test, Mister Blinky finally needed to relieve himself. And who could blame him?

I haven't seen Blinky in a while and wanted to catch up, see how things were going. But things were really going, so I sat down and waited. Didn't want to be rude.

Now, I know he must have been holding this in for an awful long time but this is ridiculous. I'll have to return later for a chat with Blinky, I don't want to make him feel rushed.

I haven't seen Blinky in a while and wanted to catch up, see how things were going. But things were really going, so I sat down and waited. Didn't want to be rude.

Now, I know he must have been holding this in for an awful long time but this is ridiculous. I'll have to return later for a chat with Blinky, I don't want to make him feel rushed.
Jon Quixote was There.