Sunday, January 29, 2006

Flotillas n' Fairy Tales

My day in Theria began by attending a rodeo hosted by icedoll. She pieced together six acceleration squares, all directed inward, and dropped a horse in the center. The result was one very angry horse which, by the end of the event, had kicked several of us clear out of the ring! I managed to secure first place with a ride time of just over nine seconds. Screenshots just wouldn't do this event justice, the horse was simply jumping about too rapidly. Use your imagination instead :)

Next, I stopped by the Oro Lounge for a brief respite where the There Preservation Group was enjoying a campfire chat. It was good to see that area finally being used. I always loved the area surrounding the Oro Lounge. Then it was time for the first Massive Hoverboat Flotilla of the 2006!! I flew my space shuttle with Buff_God, JoAnn, and dahman riding as passengers. It seems there hadn't been a flotilla in quite some time, so this one was incredibly popular. So many people showed up, in fact, that Xeryus, the flotilla organizer, couldn't enter his own event because the neighborhood zone was full by the time he arrived! Screenshots follow. You may not be able to see all the hoverboats in the pictures, but look at all the name tags listed across the screen! And those are just the names in my field of view! I've never been to a flotilla with this many people attending. Click to enlarge:

Opps! Now how'd that get in here... 'curse

The flotilla ended in northern Motu Motu where neighborhoods are a dime a dozen. There are so many wonderful sights to see up there from pirate ships to fairy tale castles. Mystery Island and Fairy Tale Village are definitely two of the most beautiful neighborhoods in that area. Eye candy follows:

Jon Quixote was There.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Speed Freak

I haven't gone near a cruiser race in about two months. All things considered, I think I did pretty well. Who am I kidding? I kicked butt!! Just look at those times! The most important thing, however, is that I obliterated Buff_God's time. In all fairness, he stopped lapping for a bit to let me close the gap and was able to pull a faster time later on. Even so, the fastest time he was able to post tonight was 26.1 seconds. I'm still faster :P Click to enlarge:

Jon Quixote was There.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Don't Flinch

Oh boy, it's been a while since I set foot in-world. I poked my head in for Wild Wild West week expecting Hula Gulch to be full of life. To my dismay, I instead found a ghost town. Oh well, it still looks nice. Click to enlarge:

So much air... sooooo much air! TOO much air!! How I missed that rush you get when the wind is screaming past your face as you plummet earthbound with nothing but your wits and your favorite hoverboard to catch you. Somebody has just hurled the ground at you. It's just you and the dirt now... don't flinch.

Jon Quixote was There.