Friday, October 07, 2005


The air is still clearing from tonight's belching contest held by Wikked_Wench! The event was part of Oktoberfest, sponsered by the University of There. Over twenty people showed up during the course of the three hour event and belched for 10,000tb's! The event was held at the Oktoberfest grounds on Comet Island and at one point the belching was so intense that four neighboring PAZes totally collapsed! The hoverboat landing pad and three houses were crushed beneath the massive forces produced by dozens of diaphragms! The winner of the contest, and the 10k, was dj_candy. TequilaMarie came in close second for a 3k prize and a "cutest burp" award, and 2k, was given out to Dihtri. What amazed me, however, was that the girls at the event out-burped the guys, hands down! :O That's some serious belching power!

Listen to the winning burp!
Listen to the cutest burp!

Below are some screenies :D Click to enlarge.

Jon Quixote was There.

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